Creating or requesting new vendor location

Use this procedure to create or request a new vendor location. When you create a vendor location, the location is added to the vendor profile. When you request for a new vendor location, the request is submitted for approval.
  1. Select Manage Vendors.
  2. On the Vendors tab, open a vendor profile record.
  3. On the Locations tab, click Create or Request New Vendor Location.
    If requesting a new vendor location, specify the Needed By date and the Priority level for the request.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Specify the new vendor location.
    Specify the name of the new vendor location.
    Specify whether the new vendor location is Active, Inactive, or Inactive For PO Additions.
    Location Type
    Select whether the location type is Both Remit To Purchase From, Purchase From, or Remit To.
    Effective Date
    Specify the effective date of the new vendor location.
    Remit To Code
    Specify the remit to code of the new vendor location.
    Normal Remit To Location
    Select this check box to use a normal remit to location.
    Vendor Account
    Specify the vendor account of the new vendor location.
    Normal Purchase From Location
    Select this check box to use a normal purchase from location.
    VAT Registration Country
    Specify the VAT registration country of the vendor.
    VAT Registration Number
    Specify the VAT registration number of the vendor.
    Invoice Currency
    Select the invoice currency of the vendor.
    Select this check box to indicate whether the invoice currency is recalculated when the invoice is paid to account for exchange rate fluctuations.
  5. In the Current Address section, select whether to Use Vendor Address or specify these fields:
    • Country
    • Type
    • Latitude
    • Longitude
    • Altitude
  6. In the Primary Contact section, specify the contact information of the vendor.
  7. To specify information on the Banking tab, see Creating and managing vendor bank information.
  8. To specify information on the Options tab, see Creating vendor options.
  9. Click Save.