Electronic payment files
If the output is a CSV file, then the data that is required to create the payment records is stored in the output files. A process flow is used to concatenate all of the data into the CSV file and attach it to the header. The data is moved to a directory that is defined in the Process Server Administrator setup. Generally all of the required information to create a check record is stored in the payment output files. To map data for a specific check writing software, look to these business classes.
- PaymentOutputFileHeader: the header file record for the payment run.
- PaymentOutputFileDetail: the individual payment record for each vendor.
- PaymentOutputFileRemittance: the vendor remittance information.
If the output files are EFT or SWIFT files, then the individual flat file lines are produced and moved to the FlatFileOutput table. Our process flow concatenates these records into a formatted flat file. The flat file is attached to the PaymentOutputFileHeader record and moved to the directory that is defined in the Process Server Administrator. To create a specific format that is not supported by Financials, it is best to take either the EFT or SWIFT files and reformat them.
- FlatFileOutput: if the format from
ElectronicFileCreation is a flat file,
then the flat file lines are stored here.
A PaymentOutputFileHeader record and a PaymentOutputFileDetail record are created for informational purposes. These files are located in the Payment Output Files menu. The records on the list always start with PaymentOutputFileHeader records.
See payment processing setup in the Financials Setup and Administration Guide.