Performing auto matching

For Match Add-on Cost, you can include the total add on charges and the total goods amount when performing matching.

  1. Select Run Processes > Match Processing > Auto Matching > Auto Match.
  2. Select a Company or Company Group.
    A company group represents one or more companies. If you select a company group, then the Company field must be blank.
  3. Specify this information:
    Match Point
    Select a match rule group for the matching attempt. You can select the first, second, or third match rule group.
    From Vendor
    Specify the vendor number to match invoices for one vendor.

    To match invoices for a range of vendors, select a beginning vendor number and an ending vendor number.

    To Vendor
    Specify the ending vendor for the vendor range.

    To match invoices for a range of vendors, select a beginning vendor number and an ending vendor number.

    Invoice Process
    Select whether to include or exclude prepay invoices, or include prepay invoices only.
    Date Type
    Select whether to use the Invoice Date or Due Date for auto matching.
    Run Date
    Specify the run date for auto matching. If this field is blank, then the system date is the default value.
    Use System Date
    Select this check box to use the system date instead of the run date.
    Days Before Run Date
    Specify the number of days in the past for the run date to include in the match. For example, it is January 1 and the number of days before is 30. The match includes invoices that are dated through December 1.
    Days After Run Date
    Specify the number of days in the future from the run date to include in the match. For example, it is January 1 and the number of days after is 30. The match includes invoices that are dated through February 1.
    Prepay Invoice Match Rule
    Select the rule group for an invoice level match. This field is available if prepay invoices are included in Invoice Process.
    Prepay Detail Match Rule
    Select the rule group for a detail level match. This field is available if prepay invoices are included in Invoice Process.
    Exclude Vendors
    Specify the vendors to exclude in the auto match.
    Skip Date
    Select the date field to use for the Skip Days field. You can use the Invoice Date or Receipt Of Invoice Date.
    Skip Days
    Specify the number of days to skip. Invoices are excluded in the auto match if the current date and the Skip Date are less than or equal to the number of Skip Days.
    Skip Only If No Receipt
    Select this check box to skip auto matching this invoice if an invoice has no receipt.
    Summarize Option
    Select whether to summarize the auto matching.
  4. Click Submit.