Creating tax analysis reports

This procedure can be run for a single tax entity, a tax entity group, a Payables company, or a Payables company group.

  1. Select Tax Analysis Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    Tax Entity
    If you select a single tax entity, only the records of the selected tax entity are included in the tax analysis report.
    If you select a company, the default tax entity is the accounting entity tied to the company. The records of the selected company are included in the tax analysis report.
    Select a transaction currency code. This is used to select tax transactions that are assigned a specific currency only.
    Select a source to include tax transactions created in a specific system.
    Current Tax
    Select whether to include only tax transactions that have not been updated by a previous run in the Update Option mode. If Update Option mode is No, then, both current and updated tax transactions are included.
    Update Option
    Select whether to update the current, non-updated, selected tax transactions.
    From Date
    Specify a beginning date to include tax transactions for a range of tax dates or posting dates. The date option you select determines whether the date range applies to the tax date or posting date.
    Date Option
    Select whether the cutoff date or date range you define applies to the tax date or posting date assigned to tax transactions.
    Report Sequence
    Select whether to sort tax transactions by transaction number or tax code.
    Invoice Amount Format
    Select the format that invoice amount is displayed on the report. Select Line Invoice Amount; excludes AOC amount to print invoice amount by line. This excludes AOC amount. Select Total Invoice Amount; includes AOC amount to print invoice amount based on the total invoice amount. This includes AOC amount.
    Tax Entity Group
    If you select a tax entity group, the records of all tax entities in the group are included in the tax analysis report.
    Company Group
    If you select a company group, the records of all companies in the group are included in the tax analysis report.
    Process Level
    Select a process level to include in your tax analysis reports. Only tax transactions that are associated with the process level you select are included in the report.
    Tax Code
    Select a tax code to include tax transactions associated with a specific tax code only.
    Cutoff Date
    Specify a cutoff date to include tax transactions with a tax date or posting date on or before the date you define. The date option you select determines whether the cutoff date applies to the tax date or posting date.
    To Date
    Specify an ending date to include tax transactions for a range of tax dates or posting dates. The date option you select determines whether the date range applies to the tax date or posting date.
    Print Currency Memo Lines
    Select whether to include base currency tax transactions amounts.
    Report Option
    Select how information is displayed on the report. Detail is used to provide tax information by vendor and invoice line. Summary is used to provide tax information by vendor. Consolidated is used to provide tax information by tax code only.
  3. In the Report Distribution section, select a distribution list and export type for Tax Analysis Report.
  4. Click Submit.