Generating BOE payments

  1. Select Invoices and click the Processing link.
  2. Click the Generation link.
  3. Specify this information:
    Vendor Group
    Select a vendor group.
    Pay Group
    Select a pay group.
    Cash Code
    Select a cash code from which to pay the BOE.
    Bills of Exchange Date
    Specify the date to be assigned to the BOE.
    Due Date Cutoff
    Specify the invoice due date used to select invoices for payment.
    Break on Due Date
    Select whether to group vendor invoices and generate a separate BOE by due date.
    Invoice Company
    Select a company number to select invoices for a specific company only.
    Process Level
    Select a process level for the invoice company.
    Vendor Class
    Select a vendor class.
    Invoice Group
    Specify the invoice group to generate payments that are assigned to a specific invoice group.
    Payment Code
    Select a payment code. This represents a type of BOE payment.
    Scheduled Cash Code
    Select a cash code to generate payments that are assigned to a specific cash code.
    Pay Immediately Only
    Select whether to select only invoices that are marked for immediate payment.
    Select whether to select invoices and generate BOE or to only run a report.
  4. In the Report Distribution section, select a distribution list and export type for Bill Of Exchange Generation Report.
  5. Click Submit.