Creating prepayments

  1. Select Manage Invoices.
  2. Click Create Invoice.
  3. In the Invoice Information section, select Invoice Type of Prepayment.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Specify the Payables company number. When you create an intercompany invoice, this value represents the From company.
    Process Level
    Process level is a required field. If a company has only one process level, you must set it as the default when setting up process levels. This field must be left blank if the default process level is set.
    Specify a vendor number unless one of these is true:
    • You are creating a match invoice and a purchase order number, in which case the vendor number from the purchase order is used.
    • You are creating an invoice for a one-time vendor, in which case leave the vendor number blank.
    Prepayment Number
    Specify a prepayment invoice number that is unique to the company and vendor. This is similar to an invoice number.
    Prepayment Date
    Specify the date of the transaction. This date is not used to calculate a due date.
    Due Date
    Specify the date that is used to select the prepayment invoice for payment. Terms are not used as the default on prepayments.
    Prepayment Amount
    Specify the amount of the prepayment. For example, a down payment of $5,000 on a $30,000 item means that the prepayment amount is $5,000.
    Specify a currency code. This code represents the currency of the prepayment invoice. If this field is blank, then the default is the invoice currency that is assigned to the remit to location vendor or vendor class. If there is no invoice currency assigned, then the company base currency is used.
  5. In the Processing and Approval section, complete the fields.
  6. On the Additional tab, in the Add On Charge section, specify this information:
    Add On Charge
    Specify an add on charge code if the invoice is subject to additional charges.
    Prorate Amount
    Specify the amount of the add on charge.
    Prorate Account
    Specify the account string to which the add on charge is posted.
  7. In the Discount Information section, specify this information:
    Discount Code
    Specify the discount code if the invoice is subject to discounted terms. This list shows the vendor records arranged in order of priority from which the default values are used:
    • Company Vendor
    • Remit to Code
    • Pay Vendor from Normal Remit to Location
    • Purchase From Location
    Float Days
    Specify the amount of days to add to the calculated discount date.
    Flexible Terms
    Select this check box if the invoice is subject to flexible terms.
    Select this check box to calculate the advantages of applying a discount or paying an invoice in full. These advantages depend on the interest that is earned on amounts. The required prime rate is specified on the vendor record.
  8. In the Codes section, specify this information:
    Diversity Code
    Specify a code to identify a category of diverse procurement.
    Authority Code
    Specify an authority code of the person who is responsible to approve the invoice or to approve a portion of the Payables process.
    Retainage Accrual Code
    Specify an accrual code of invoices, payments, and distributions for vendor agreements with retainage. If this field is defined at the invoice level, then this code overrides the retainage accrual code at the Company and Process Level.
  9. In the Miscellaneous section, specify this information:
    Reference Type
    Select an invoice reference to indicate the type of number that the vendor is providing to reference the invoice.
    Specify a user reference. User references are maintained with the invoice.
    Invoice Receipt Date
    Specify the date the invoice is received for processing in Payables.
    Bill From
    Specify the vendor from which the invoice originated.
    Bill To
    Specify the billing company for the invoice.
    Purchase From
    Specify the vendor from which to purchase.
  10. On the Payment tab, specify this information:
    Cash Code
    Specify a valid cash code for the invoice payment. This code represents a bank account. If this field is blank, then a cash code that is assigned to one of these records is used:
    • Remit to location
    • Vendor
    • Vendor class
    • Process level company
    • Pay group
    Reportable Income Amount
    Specify a reportable amount of the invoice. If this field is blank, then the reportable amount is the invoice amount minus the discount.
    VAT Split Payment
    Select this check box if the invoice is eligible for VAT split payment. The VAT split amount will be included in the payment output files.
    Payment Code
    Specify a valid payment code for the invoice payment. This code represents a type of cash or bill of exchange payment. If this field is blank, then the payment code that is assigned to the remit to location, vendor, vendor class, or pay group is used.
    Vendor Payment Amount
    Specify the amount the vendor expects as payment for the invoice.
    Specify the payment currency of the vendor.
  11. In the Manual Payment Information section, specify this information:

    If you define manual payment information, then the manual payment can be used to pay only this individual invoice. The invoice must be a base currency invoice. After you release the invoice, you cannot manually change payment information.

    To create a manual payment for more than one invoice, create a manual payment for a base currency invoice, or apply more than one invoice to a payment, use Cash Payment Entry or Bill of Exchange Entry.

    Payment Number
    To create a vendor-issued bill of exchange, specify the bill of exchange payment number.

    To create a manual payment for the invoice, specify the payment number. If this field is specified, then the payment code must be a valid cash or bill of exchange payment transaction code. It must be defined for manual payment in Cash. If manual payment reservation is required for the payment code, then the payment number must be reserved in Manual Forms Reservation.

    If you specify a payment number for a cash payment, specify the payment date. If you specify a payment number for a bill of exchange payment, specify the bill of exchange payment due date.
    If you specify a payment number, specify the amount of the payment. The payment amount must equal the Prepayment Amount or the Prepayment Amount minus any available discount amount.
  12. In the Processing Options section, specify this information:
    Payment Priority
    Specify a payment priority.
    Invoice Group
    You can assign a user-defined invoice group to the invoice that can be used to select invoices for payment. See the Financials Setup and Administration Guide. If this field is blank, then the invoice group that is assigned to the remit to location or vendor is used.
    Separate Payment
    Select whether to create an individual payment form for this invoice.
    Pay Immediately
    Select whether to schedule the invoice for immediate payment regardless of the due date.
    Select whether the payment for this invoice requires an enclosure.
    Secondary Withholding
    Select this check box if the use of secondary withholding codes is required for the invoice.
  13. In the Recurring Invoice Options section, specify this information:
    Recurring Frequency
    Select the frequency of the invoice processing.
    Number Of Recurrences
    Specify the number of processing recurrences.
  14. In the Bank Instructions section, specify up to four bank instructions to override any bank instructions set on the vendor or vendor location.
  15. Click Save.