Creating customer orders

  1. Select Manage Orders > Customer Orders.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Select a location from which the added items to the order are gathered. If the items are non-stock, then the location is only used for reporting.
    Select a currency code that the customer is billed.
    Order Type
    Select an order type. Order types determine the processing steps that the order must go through the warehouse. The sequence in which you specify made-to-order kit components determines the sequence in which those items are printed on the pick list.
    Process Level
    Select a process level.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Select a customer for the order.
    Bill To
    Select a bill-to customer for the order.
    Ship To
    Select a ship-to customer for the order.
    Requested Date
    Specify a date when the customer wants items to be delivered.
    Expected Ship Date
    Select a date that the order is expected to be shipped.

    If Ship Days are defined at the Billing process level, then the ship days are added to the order date to act as the expected ship date.

    Order Date
    Select an order date. If this field is blank, then the system date is the default.
  5. In the Process section, specify this information:
    Hold Code
    Select a hold code to manually place the order on-hold. You can take an order off-hold by clearing its Hold Code field. You can define hold codes in Receivables.
    Order Source
    Select an order source code that indicates how the customer has heard about your company.
    Customer PO
    Select a customer's purchase order number. If this field is specified, then the order and any invoices that are created from the order are updated.
    Ship Complete
    Select whether the customer require shipments by Determined by Line, Accepts partial shipments, or Does not accept partials.
    Specify the allocation priority. The default comes from the customer level in Receivables. A batch process in Warehouse uses this priority when allocating inventory to orders.
    Sales Quote
    Select this check box if the order is a sales quote. Quotes cannot be released and have no effect on inventory.
    Future Order
    Select this check box if the item is a future order. Future lines do not have allocated inventory in Warehouse until it is necessary to meet the customer's requested delivery date.
    Select this check box if a printed acknowledgment is required for the order.
    Proof Of Delivery Required
    Select this check box if the customer requires a Proof of Delivery (POD) form to accompany the shipment.
    Allow Backorders
    Select this check box if backorders are allowed. If you do not select this field, then an order cannot be defined for items that do not have sufficient stock.
  6. In the Freight section, specify this information:
    Freight Code
    Select the freight code to assign freight charges to the order. You can define freight codes in Billing.
    Entered Charges
    Specify the freight charge amount in the billing currency.
    Select the carrier vendor number. You define vendors in Payables.
    Shipping Method
    Select the shipping method that indicates how the order is to be shipped. You can define shipping methods in Warehouse.
    Transportation ID
    Specify a transportation ID that prints on invoices and bills of lading.
  7. In the Tax section, specify this information:
    Tax Status
    Select whether the order is tax exempt. If the order is Exempt, then all order lines are exempt. If the order is Taxable, then you can override the taxable status on individual lines. If order lines are Taxable, then the order must also be taxable. If the customer or order items are Exempt, then the entire order is exempt.
    Select a tax point date or a date on which sales tax must be calculated. Use this field to override the normal tax point date. If this field is not blank, then it is the source of the invoice's tax point date.
    Tax Code
    Select a tax code to assign to the order header. Tax codes represent the tax authorities to which sales tax is paid. You can define tax codes in Tax. If you are using a third-party tax system, then specify a geographic code.
  8. In the Billing section, specify this information:
    Additional Discount
    Specify an additional discount amount in the original currency in which the order is defined.
    Conversion Rate
    Specify the currency conversion rate to base currency. Only multicurrency companies must specify a rate.
  9. In the Payment section, specify this information:
    Specify a down payment amount in the order's currency.
    Check Number
    Specify a payment number. This field is only valid with a down payment.
    Specify the cash-in-advance percentage to determine the down payment amount of the total order value.
    Payment Terms
    Select a payment terms code. The code is the default in Customer.
    Select this check box if a Cash On Delivery (COD) order is accepted.
    Payment Code
    Select a code representing the type of cash payment, bill of exchange payment, or bank service transaction.
    Downpayment Required
    Select this check box if a down payment is required for the order to be released. The required down payment amount is a percentage of the total order amount.
    Electronic Payment Type
    Select an electronic payment method.
    Electronic Pmt Amount
    Select an electronic payment amount or credit card number.
    Expiry Date
    Select an expiry date for the order.
    Electronic Payment Margin Percent
    Specify a minimum percentage by which to increase the authorization amount.
    Letter Of Credit
    Specify a letter of credit that is printed on the invoice. If the order is dropshipped, then this field is printed on the purchase order.
  10. In the Sales Representative section, specify this information:
    Select a sales territory for the order.
    Sales Representative 1
    Select a primary sales representative for the order.
    Specify a commission rate of the primary sales representative.
    Sales Representative 2
    Select a secondary sales representative for the order.
    Specify a commission rate of the secondary sales representative.
    Split Percentage
    Specify a commission split between the primary and secondary sales representatives.
  11. In the Global section, specify this information:
    Select a Nature of Transaction code.
    Statistical Procedure
    Select a statistical procedure code that is applied to the data.
    VAT Registration Number
    Specify a VAT registration number.
    Document Type
    Select a document type code.
    Certification Number
    Specify the unique invoice certification number. This number is specified on the order and carried through to the billing invoice, and the receivable invoice. This number is used as the invoice number for South American countries.
    Certification Date
    This date is used for South American countries in conjunction with the certification number..
  12. In the Ship To section, specify this information:
    Ship To Name
    Specify the name of the ship-to customer.
    Select a country code of the ship-to customer's address.
    Select an address type for the ship-to customer.
    Specify the latitude of the ship-to customer address.
    Specify the longitude of the ship-to customer address.
    Specify the altitude of the ship-to customer address.
  13. In the Bill To section, specify this information:
    Bill Name
    Specify the name of the ship-to customer.
    Select a country code of the bill-to customer's address.
    Select an address type for the bill-to customer.
    Specify the latitude of the bill-to customer address.
    Specify the longitude of the bill-to customer address.
    Specify the altitude of the bill-to customer address.
  14. Click Save.
    The Charges and Lines tabs are now available.
    You can view the order's projected tax and account information and credit status on the Tax Inquiry and Credit Status tabs.