Interfacing inbound returns

  1. Select Manage Orders > Customer Order Return Header Inbound.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Select a stock location within the company inventory.
    Rtn Ref Nbr
    Specify a return reference number.
    Auth Nbr
    Specify the authorization number for the return.
    Rtn Date
    Select the date of the return.
    Order Number
    Specify an order number.
    Select the number that represents a customer.
    Ship To
    Select the number representing the ship-to customer.
    Update Time
    Select the system time when the record is updated.
    Select status of the transaction.
  4. On the Inbound Return Header tab, specify this information:
    User ID
    Specify the user ID of the person who last changed the record.
    Posting Date
    Select the date that is assigned to the journal entry for posting.
    Bill To
    Select the mailing address for the invoice.
    Reason Code
    Specify the reason for the credit memos.
    Dropship Flag
    Select Yes if the goods that are directly shipped by the vendor to a non-standard location have the receiving process.
    Original Invoice Prefix, Number
    Specify the original prefix and invoice number.
    Cust Req Account
    Select whether a customer wants a credit or replacement of goods on a return.
    Invoice Type
    Select the credit memo invoice type that can use returns.
    Shipment Number
    Select the shipment number. One order can have several shipment numbers if the items of the order are not shipped at the same time.
    Specify the name of the main contact.
    Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension
    Select the international prefix code and specify the phone number and extension of the contact person.
    Restock Charge Code
    Specify the restock charge code.
    Process Level
    Select the process level indicating the reporting hierarchy below the company.
    Currency Code
    Select the company base currency code from Company.
    Last Line Number
    Specify the number of the last line item that is added to the document. It is used to determine what the next line number is when you add another item.
    Last Sequence
    Specify the sequence number of the last comment line that is defined for the requisition line.
    Last Comment Sequence
    Specify the last comment sequence. The comment sequence number identifies the number of the comment record that is attached to the invoice line or invoice.
    Undecided Item Count
    Specify the undecided item count.
    Undecided Comment Count
    Specify the undecided comment count.
    Comment Count
    Specify the comment count.
    Electronic Payment Type
    Select the electronic payment type. This field can be a company or customer electronic payment.
    Electronic Payment Expiration Date
    Select the expiration date of the electronic account.
    Electronic Payment Account
    Select the electronic payment account number.
    Rec Err
    Specify Yes if an error is found during interface or conversion and if the error has been corrected.
  5. Click Save.
    The Inbound Return Line tab is now available.