Bank account format
Bank accounts must be numbered according to the international standard (ISO13616). This
standard is known as International Bank A/C Number (IBAN) and has a predefined structure,
which contains details of the bank/branch identifier.
Netherlands specifics
These tables show the details for IBAN and BBAN:
BBAN | Example |
BBAN Structure | 4!a10!n |
BBAN Length | 14!c |
Bank identifier position within the BBAN | Positions 1-4 |
Bank identifier length | 4!a |
Bank identifier example | ABNA |
BBAN example | ABNA0417164300 |
IBAN | Example |
IBAN structure | NL2!n4!a10!n |
IBAN length | 18!c |
IBAN electronic format example | NL91ABNA0417164300 |
IBAN print format example | NL91 ABNA 0417 1643 00 |
How Infor meets this requirement
In the Cash Management Account, select Standard Account Number as the Validation Type. The account number must not exceed 35 characters.
For bank account formats, see the Cash User Guide.