Archiving receipts

If you have open receipts, you can archive them and remove them from the matching pool. You can also write off open receipts remaining in Match. When a receipt is written off, the receipt remains in the match pool. If you later receive an invoice for the written off receipt, then the transaction can still be matched.

  1. Sign in as Payables Specialist and select Run Processes > Match Processing > Open Receipt Archive.
  2. Select a Company or Company Group.
  3. Specify this information:
    Process Level
    Select a process level to only include POs that are assigned to that process level. If this field is blank, then all process levels are included.
    From Receipt Date
    Select a date range of receipts to include. At least one date range is required. If a single receipt or PO is specified as criteria, then the date range is not required.
    From PO Create Date
    Select a date range of purchase orders to include. If a single receipt or PO is specified as criteria, then the date range is not required.
    Posting Option
    Select whether to write off, or archive, or both.
    Process Level Sequence
    Select whether to sort the report by process level.
    Select whether to run the report in update mode or report mode only. No is the default value.

    Run the report in update mode to create global ledger transactions for posting.

  4. In the Selection section, specify this information:
    From Receiver
    Select a receipt or receipt range to include in the receipt archive, not both.
    Select a vendor to include in the receipt archive.
    PO Number Select
    Select whether to include or exclude PO numbers.
    PO Numbers
    If you selected PO Number Select, then specify the PO numbers to include or exclude.
    PO Code Select
    Select whether to include or exclude PO codes.
    PO Codes
    If you specify PO Code Select, then specify the PO codes to include or exclude.
  5. Click Submit.

    These reports are created:

    • A list of receipts and amounts written off or written off and archived
    • A summary report of the global ledger accounts and the amounts posted to those accounts