Creating Match invoices

  1. Sign in as Match Specialist and select Manage Invoices.
  2. Select an applicable tab and click Create Invoice.
  3. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Invoice Entry Template
    Select Match Invoice. Freight and Service Contract are also valid for Match.
    Invoice Type
    Select the invoice type. These options are available:
    • Invoice: The amount owed to the vendor is increased and, when fully processed, the vendor's purchase and payment balances are increased.
    • Credit Memo: The amount that is owed to a vendor is reduced. An example of this memo is a note of credit from a vendor or an internal adjustment to a vendor's balance. The vendor's purchase and payment balances are reduced when this process is completed.
    • Debit Memo: A debit memo is processed like an invoice and the vendor balance is increased.
    • Prepayment: A prepayment is a deposit or payment that is made to a vendor before the invoice is received.
    Purchase Order
    Specify the purchase order number.
    Add On Charge Only
    Select this check box to indicate that the invoice is AOC only.
    Cost Component Match
    Select this check box to determine the cost component match and to include the add on charges in the match.
    Create Details
    Select whether invoice details are created automatically from a purchase order, from a receipt, or from a receipt then from a purchase order.
    Specify the payables company number. If you are creating an intercompany invoice, this field represents the From company. Specify the To company on the distribution line.
    Process Level
    Process level is a required field. If the company has only one process level, set it as a default on the company. With the default set, this field must be blank.
    Select a vendor, unless one of these conditions is true:
    • You are creating a match invoice and a purchase order number. The vendor number from the purchase order is used.
    • You are creating an invoice for a one-time vendor. You can create the one time vendor here.
    Invoice Number
    Specify an invoice number. The invoice number must be unique for the company and vendor.
    Invoice Date
    Specify an invoice date. Details about how the invoice date and due date are used to select invoices for payment are explained elsewhere in this user guide.
    Due Date
    Select either the Due Date or the Payment Terms. If a payment term is used, then the due date and discount information are calculated. If terms codes are defined on Vendor Location, then Remit To is not used on the invoice. Terms codes from the Purchase From location are the default.
    Payment Terms
    Select either the Due Date or the Payment Terms. If a payment term is used, then the due date and discount information are calculated. If terms codes are defined on Vendor Location, then Remit To is not used on the invoice. Terms codes from the Purchase From location are the default.
    Invoice Amount
    Specify the amount of the invoice. This amount includes the lines created from the receipt/purchase order plus any add on costs. The total can also include tax.
    Specify the currency for the invoice.
    Provide a description for the invoice.
    Pay Vendor
    Specify a pay vendor for the invoice. This is used to send invoice payments to another vendor within the same vendor group.

    The pay vendor relationship overrides normal vendor payment-to information including the payee name, payment address, remit to location, and vendor cash and payment codes. The invoice payment is created for the pay vendor, but the original, invoiced vendor accumulates the payment balance.

    Remit To Location
    Specify the vendor location where payments are remitted.
    Ship To Location
    Specify the ship to location.
  4. In the Tax Information section, specify this information:
    Tax Code
    Select a tax code to apply to the invoice. The tax amount is automatically calculated and tax and AOC distribution lines are created. If you assign a tax code to the vendor or use a third-party tax application, this field must be blank. If this field is blank, the vendor tax code is used.
    Tax Adjustment
    You can indicate whether to override the tax information on AOC or match invoices. If this field is blank when the invoice is matched, the detail is created using the tax information from the purchase order or the receipt.
    Entered Tax Amount
    Specify the total tax amount of the invoice. Leave this field blank if you specify a tax code or uses a third-party tax software. The tax code is used to automatically calculate the tax amount based on the rate that is defined for the tax code. The amount should equal the total tax amount.
    Tax Category
    Specify the tax category.
    Tax Point Date
    Specify the tax point date. These are the dates when tax is recognized in the system. The dates can be the invoice, shipping, GL post date, or payment date.
    Point of Title Transfer
    Select whether the point of transfer is Destination or Origin.
  5. In the Match Information section, specify this information:
    Rule Group
    Specify the rule used to determine what tolerances are allowed between invoice and PO when matching.
    Cost Component Match
    Select this check box to determine the cost component match and to include the add on charges in the match.
  6. In the Processing and Approval section, specify this information:
    Invoice Routing Category
    Specify the invoice routing category. This category contains a list of invoice approval assignments and is used in the invoice routing rule.
    Approval Cost Center
    Specify the approval cost center.
    Approval Category
    Specify the approval category.
    Routing Finance Team
    Specify the finance team for the routing approval.
    Routing Team Member
    Specify the team member for the routing approval.
    External Purchase Order
    Specify the external purchase order.
    Post Date
    Specify the transaction posting date.
    For Intercompany Billing
    Select this check box to use the invoice for intercompany billing.
    Allow Item Detail
    Select whether item details that are not on the PO can be added to an invoice. Select True, to access the Miscellaneous Details tab.
  7. On the Additional tab, in the Add On Charge section, specify this information:
    Add On Charge
    Specify an add on charge code if the invoice is subject to additional charges.
    Prorate Amount
    Specify the amount of the add on charge.
    Prorate Account
    Specify the account string that the add on charge is posted to.
  8. In the Discount Information section, specify this information:
    Discount Code
    Specify the discount code if the invoice is subject to discounted terms. These are the default values from these vendor records in this order of priority: Company Vendor, Remit to Code, Pay Vendor (Normal Remit to Location), Purchase From Location.
    Float Days
    Select the amount of days to add to the calculated discount date.
    Flexible Terms
    Select this check box if the invoice is subject to flexible terms.
    Select this check box to calculate the advantages on taking a discount or paying an invoice on full terms, depending on interest earned on amounts. The required prime rate is specified on the vendor record.
  9. In the Codes section, specify this information:
    Authority Code
    Specify the authority code.
    Diversity Code
    Specify the diversity code.
    Accrual Code
    Specify the accrual code.
    Retainage Accrual Code
    Specify the default accrual code of invoices, payments, and distributions for vendor agreements with retainage.
    Reason Code
    Specify the reason code.
  10. In the Miscellaneous section, specify this information:
    Reference Type
    Select an invoice reference to indicate the type of number that the vendor is providing to reference the invoice.
    Bill From
    Specify the bill from address.
    Invoice Receipt Date
    Specify the date of the invoice receipt.
    Certification Number
    Specify the certification number.
    Certification Date
    Specify the certification date.
    Specify a user reference to be maintained with the invoice.
    Bill To
    Specify the bill to address.
    Purchase From
    Select the vendor from which to purchase.
    Retail Amount
    Specify the retail amount.
  11. On the Payment tab, specify this information:
    Cash Code
    Select a valid cash code for the invoice payment. The cash code represents a bank account. If this field is blank, then the cash code that is assigned to one of these is the default:
    • Remit to location
    • Vendor
    • Vendor class
    • Process level
    • Company
    • Pay group
    Default Income Code
    Specify the default income code. This income code is used for 1099 reporting.
    Reportable Income Amount
    Specify the minimum amount required for reporting. This amount is used in conjunction with the income code for 1099 reporting.
    VAT Split Payment
    Select this check box if the invoice is eligible for VAT split payment. The VAT split amount will be included in the payment output files.
    Payment Code
    Select a valid payment code for the invoice. The payment code represents a type of cash payment and must be a valid cash or bill of exchange payment transaction code in the Cash application. If this field is blank, the payment code that is assigned to remit to location, vendor, vendor class, or pay group is used.
    Vendor Payment Amount
    Specify the amount the vendor expects as payment for the invoice.
    Select a vendor payment currency.
  12. In the Processing Options section, specify this information:
    Payment Priority
    Specify a payment priority.
    Invoice Group
    Assign a user-defined invoice group to the invoice. This value can be used to select invoices for payment. If this field is blank, the invoice group that is assigned to the remit to location or vendor is used.
    Secondary Withholding
    Select this check box if the invoice requires the use of secondary withholding codes.
    Separate Payment
    Select whether to create an individual payment for this invoice. If you do not select this option, then one payment form to pay all invoices for the same vendor is created by Payment Forms Creation or Bill of Exchange Creation.
    Pay Immediately
    Select whether to schedule the invoice for immediate payment regardless of the due date. Payment occurs when you run Cash Requirements or Bill of Exchange Creation.
    Select whether the payment for this invoice requires an enclosure. If you select this option, you can group payments that require enclosures when you run Cash Requirements.
    Payment Number
    To create a vendor-issued bill of exchange, specify the bill of exchange payment number.

    To create a manual payment for the invoice, specify the payment number. The payment code must be a valid cash or bill of exchange payment transaction code defined for manual payment in Cash. If the payment code requires manual payment reservation, the payment number must be reserved in Manual Forms Reservation.

    If you define manual payment information, then the manual payment can be used to pay this individual invoice only. The invoice must be a base currency invoice. After you release the invoice, you cannot change the manual payment information.

    Use Cash Payment Entry or Bill of Exchange Entry to perform these tasks:

    • Create a manual payment for more than one invoice
    • Create a manual payment for a base currency invoice
    • Apply more than one invoice to a payment
    If you specify a payment number for a cash payment, specify the payment date. If you specify a payment number for a bill of exchange payment, specify the bill of exchange payment due date.
    If you specify a payment number, specify the amount of the payment. The payment amount must equal the Invoice Amount or the Invoice Amount minus any available Discount Amount.
    Recurring Frequency
    Select the frequency of the invoice processing.
    Number Of Recurrences
    Specify the number of processing recurrences.
    Bank Instructions
    Specify bank instructions to override any bank instructions set on the vendor or vendor location.
  13. Click Save.