Match levels
The match level is an attribute of a match rule that determines what level of detail to use when matching invoices to receipts.
There are two match levels:
- Invoice match
Invoices and receipts are matched at the header level. The invoice total is matched with the purchase order/receipt total.
Invoice Match is not recommended if the line details are added or interfaced. When invoice matching, the receipt is closed for match of later invoices. All cost differences that are involved with invoice match are written to a tolerance account not the line level accounts on the Purchase Order.
- Detail match
Individual detail line amounts are compared to the receipt line amounts to identify a match. The detail match is performed by comparing the item, cost, and quantity at the line level on the Invoice/Purchase Order and the PO/Receipt. To ensure that the correct item is matched, choose this match level.
Benefits of this match level are:
- accurate inventory cost adjustments
- correct quantities are recognized for inventory items
- correct expenses are recognized for non-stock and special items
- when match tolerance differences follow the item, they post to the requesting department cost center and meet your accounting goals