Total obligations on a budget group
Budget templates are used to track total obligations in parallel with the
. The total obligation on a budget group
is an aggregate of commitments, encumbrances, released journals, and posted journals. Total
obligation is tracked on each budget group in a template currency for each edited calendar
The total obligation for each budget group is maintained across subsequent transactions. Two copies of obligations are tracked:
- The local obligations are an internal record of the total obligations for the budget
group. Note: Local obligations are always updated before the cube obligations.
- Cube obligations contain the total obligations that exist in the cube for the budget group.
To verify the last cube refresh for general ledger totals, select the Cube Update Details tab on the budget scenario.
When transactions are created and released, if budget editing is enabled on the system and dimension, then budget editing occurs. When a transaction passes the budget edits, a corresponding commitment or encumbrance record is created, updated, or passed. The budget group total obligations are updated based on the commitment date.
The local obligations are immediately updated but not the cube obligations.
The value of cube obligations is updated when the GeneralLedgerTotal
is updated and the refresh is started. The value of local
obligations and the cube obligations do not match until a refresh is run. We recommend that a
cube refresh is scheduled.
Transactions are only tracked on budget templates under these circumstances:
- Dimension elements are within the dimension structures for the scenario basis.
- Commitment dates are within the calendar and optional template date range.
For each dimension that is not enabled in the budget template, the template does not include obligation amounts from transactions under these circumstances:
- Dimension elements are outside of the dimension structures for the scenario basis.
- Commitment dates are outside of the calendar and optional template date
For example, transactions are included for a template without an account dimension under these circumstances:
- Accounts that are in the scenario basis chart of accounts.
- Commitment dates that are within the calendar or template date range.
Budget groups with no transactions in a period nave no obligations for that period.