Validating obligations for budget group total
To reconcile the total obligations on a budget group and to ensure accuracy, you can verify the amounts that are used to create the total obligations. Use this procedure to validate the information by viewing the data in the database or in the cube.
Access these reports in My Reports:
- Commitments and encumbrances:
- Select Commitments and
Encumbrances and search for released transactions.
Select Totals and search for encumbrances and commitments scenarios.
- Select Commitments and
Encumbrances and search for released transactions.
- Posted balances:
- Select Totals and search for actuals scenarios.
- Released Global Ledger journals:
- Select Transactions > Finance Transactions and search for transactions with a status of Released.
- When all released journals are posted, you can validate the data on the Commitments and Encumbrance Report, Totals, or Account Analysis reports.
- Commitments and encumbrances:
Access these reports to validate total obligations on a budget group with the data in the
cube. To verify the last cube refresh for general ledger totals, select the Cube Update Details tab on the budget scenario. The cube
refresh must be initiated before the reports are run.
- Commitments and Encumbrances:
- Select Account Analysis and search for commitments and encumbrances scenarios.
- Posted balances:
- Select Account Analysis and search for actuals scenarios.
- Released Global Ledger journals:
- Select Transactions > Finance Transactions and search for transactions with a status of Released.
- When all released journals are posted, you can validate the data on the Account Analysis report.
- Commitments and Encumbrances: