Dimension override and weight builder examples

Scenario 1
In this scenario, allocate $10,000 source balance to these:
  • All accounting entities in a reporting basis = 201, 203, 204, 206
  • All departments in the summary 4_ALL DEPT = 10, 20, 30, 40
  • All locations in 2_ALL LOCATIONS = Phoenix, Tuscon, Mesa, Glendale
This table shows the source addresses:
Accounting entity Account Department Location Expense
300 605555 1999 Gilbert 10,000

The amount is allocated based on the revenue of each entity, Department, and Location. This table shows the revenue balances:

Accounting entity Account Department Location Revenue
201 602222 10 Phoenix 5,000
203 602222 20 Tucson 4,000
204 602222 30 Mesa 5,000
206 602222 40 Glendale 6,000

This table shows the expected allocation transactions:

Accounting entity Account Department Location Amount
Post To 201 605555 10 Phoenix 2,500.00
Post To 203 605555 20 Tucson 2,000.00
Post To 204 605555 30 Mesa 2,500.00
Post To 206 605555 40 Glendale 3,000.00
Post From 300 605555 1999 Gilbert -10,000.00

Follow these steps using the information in the table to set up the Dimension Override and Weight Builder:

Dimension overrrides

In the dimension override section, you must specify the dimension overrides to allocate to.

  • Accounting Entity = 1_NODE
  • Department = 4_ALL DEPT
  • Location = 2_ALLOCATIONS

Because all accounting entities are allocated in the reporting basis, you are required to select the top node for the accounting entity. Select the summary dimension for the department and location due to the allocation to specific summaries.

Weight data

Specify the weight data address by the dimensions of the revenue balances for the entity, location and department. The weight data address is required to have the same entity, location and department as the override in order to locate the revenue balances, and specify the value of the other dimensions such as the account.

The weight data address looks like this:

  • Accounting Entity = 1_NODE
  • Account = 602222
  • Department = 4_ALL DEPT
  • Location = 2_ALL LOCATIONS

The dimension overrides and weight data are set up. Assign the Dimension Override and Weight Builder to your allocation line and run the allocation.

Scenario 2

Allocate the $20,000 source balance to these summaries:

  • All state in the summary 2_ALL STATES = 115, 120, 125
  • All line of business in summary 3_SERVICES = 4001, 4002, 4003

The source balance comes from this source address:

Company Account State Line of business Subaccount Tax expense
3000 555555 99 5000 7000 20,000

$20,000 are allocated based on insurance premium balances for each state, and line of business within the same company. This table shows the premium balances:

Company Account State Line of business Subaccount Insurance
3000 777777 115 4001 8000 2,500
3000 777777 120 4002 8000 3,500
3000 777777 125 4003 9000 4,000

Given the premium balance per state and line of business, the expected allocation transactions looks like this:

Company Account State Line of business Subaccount Amount
Post To 3000 555555 115 4001 7000


Post To 3000 555555 120 4002 7000 7,000.00
Post To 3000 555555 125 4003 7000 8,000.00
Post From 3000 555555 99 5000 7000 -20,000.00

Follow the steps using the information from the table to set up the Dimension Override and Weight Builder:

Dimension overrrides

In the dimension override section, you must specify the dimension overrides you want to allocate to.

  • State = 2_ALL STATES
  • Line of Business = 3_SERVICES

You must select the summary dimension since we are allocating to all states and line of business under a specific summary.

Weight data

Next specify the weight data address by specifying the dimensions of the premium balances for each state and line of business. The weight data address must have the same state and line of business as the override to locate the premium balances, and specify the value of the other dimensions such as the company, account and subaccount.

These are the weight data addresses:

  • Company = 3000
  • Account = 555555
  • State = 2_ALL STATES
  • Line of Business = 3_SERVICES
  • Subaccount = 7000

Complete the dimensions override and weight data, then you can assign the Dimension Override and Weight Builder to your allocation line and run the allocation.