Using total in an allocation line weight compute statement

This is an example of using total in a summary or group weight compute statement, a manual override weight compute statement, or a group override weight compute statement to reference a custom total. For the custom total to retrieve the weight values for the dimension overrides, the custom compute statement must override custom total address. The custom total address is replaced by the allocation dimension overrides. You can override any custom total fields in a compute statement. Any field in the business class to which the compute statement is associated is available as an override field.

The compute statement must follow this construction:

(total(GeneralLedgerTotal."SALES", AccountingEntity=AccountingEntity, GeneralLedgerTotal.AccountingUnit=AccountingUnit, GeneralLedgerTotal.EntityYearPeriod=AllocationContext.Period). NetFunctionalAmount)


Variable Description
Total A total is used.
GeneralLedgerTotal A business view or an address that holds the balances or totals to be obtained.
SALES The custom total that is defined on GeneralLedgerTotal.

See Custom totals.

AccountingEntity An accounting dimension on the GeneralLedgerTotal.
AccountingEntity The compute uses the accounting entity from the allocation line override dimension instead of the accounting entity specified in SALES.
GeneralLedgerTotal.AccountingUnit An accounting dimension on the GeneralLedgerTotal.
AccountingUnit The compute statement uses the accounting unit from the allocation line override dimension instead of the accounting unit specified in SALES.
GeneralLedgerTotal.EntityYearPeriod A period dimension in the GeneralLedgerTotal.
AllocationContext.Period The compute statement uses the period from the context of the allocation run instead of the period specified in SALES.

The compute statement does not have access to the allocation line except for the allocation period where you are processing an allocation. For example, you can reference the allocation period to find headcount for that period.

NetFunctionalAmount A measure in the GeneralLedgerTotal. The compute pulls the Net Functional Amount.
If the compute statement is set up to retrieve weight values for the posting dimensions in a source address, then use this syntax:
For example, use this syntax in a compute statement that is set up to retrieve weight values for finance dimension 1: