Processing journal templates
After a journal template is created, it must be processed to create a journal entry.
- Select Journal Template Processing.
- Select a journal template.
- If working lines have not been created, click Create Working Lines to create working lines from the journal template transaction lines.
- Open the template if you must update any of the transaction amounts or units. Otherwise, go to step 8.
- Click a working line to maintain amounts or units. No other fields can be maintained on this form. Go to the Journal Template Detail form to maintain other fields. Working lines can be deleted if the line is not required for the journal entry that is being created. If both the Amount and Unit fields are blank for the working line, a journal entry transaction line is not created.
- If you must create the working lines again because maintenance is done on the template transaction lines, then delete all of the working lines. Click Create Working Lines to create the new working lines.
- Click Save. Totals are maintained for the template transaction lines and working lines. Click the Totals tab to view the totals.
- Click Create Journal From Template.
Specify this information:
- Description
- Specify a description for the journal entry.
- Transaction Date
- Specify a transaction date for the journal entry.
- Posting Date
- If the Use Current Date For Posting Date check box is selected on the journal template control, then the current date is the default. Otherwise, specify the posting date for the journal entry.
- Unique Journal ID
- Specify a unique ID for the journal entry. This field is
optional unless it is set to required on the Options tab of
Finance Enterprise Group.
The Unique Journal ID does not apply to system-created journals, such as recurring journals, auto-reversal journals, and inter-entity journals. See the Financials Setup and Administration Guide to set up your finance enterprise group option for Require Unique Journal ID.
- Click OK.