Creating transactions for a department journal

  1. Select Processing > Journals > Department Journals.
  2. On the Unreleased tab, open the department journal entry and click the Transactions tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Finance Structure
    Specify a value for each individual finance structure component.

    This is the accounting string that is used to post the transaction. It corresponds to the finance structure that is defined for the finance enterprise group. You cannot change the ledger. The finance enterprise group's finance structure settings and the relation rules determine what other components must be completed.

    Specify the amount of the transaction. You must enter a debit amount.
    Specify a description to use for the transaction line, if desired. The description from the journal control is the default value. This value is used when the description field is blank and you save the transaction line.
    Specify a reference, if desired. The reference from the journal control is the default.
    Approval Code
    Specify the approval code to use for this transaction line. This is a required field.
  5. Click Save.