Creating actuals allocation lines
The allocation line is used to define the allocation calculation rules, the allocated balances, and the method by which the balances are allocated. Allocation lines also contain the details and the rules for how the journal lines are created.
See Copying allocation lines to copy content from existing allocation lines.
- Select Processing > Allocations > Allocation Control.
- On the Actuals tab, open an allocation record.
- On the Allocations tab, open an allocation record.
- On the Lines tab, click Create.
Specify this information:
- Allocation Line
- Specify the name and description of the allocation line.
- Step
- Specify a step number on the allocation line if it is different
from the default step.
Step values are used when a subsequent allocation depends on the results of a previous allocation. For example, if this calculation depends on other allocation calculations, then identify whether this allocation should be calculated first. Otherwise, it is calculated after initial allocations are calculated.
On the Parameters tab, specify this information:
- From Post Option
- Select a posting option. The posting options control the method by which the journal lines are generated and to determine the details of each generated journal line.
- To Post Option
- Select a posting option. The method by which the journal lines are generated and the details of each generated journal line are controlled by the posting options.
- Source Percentage
- Specify a percentage of the source to allocate. The default value
is 100.
Specify a negative percentage to reverse posted allocation transactions. Reversed transactions are generated when the allocation is rerun. For example, if the allocation was run with a source percentage of 75, then rerun the allocation with a source percentage of -75. The posted allocation transactions are offset.
- Auto Reverse
- Select to inherit the Auto
Reverse setting of the allocation. Select Yes or No to override the value of the allocation.
If this field is selected, then all transactions from the allocation line are reversed when the journal entry for the allocation is posted.
When the allocation transactions are journalized, you can select the specific date on which the transactions are auto-reversed. If you do not select a date, then the first day of the next period is used. See Journalizing actuals allocations.
- Allocate Year To Date
- Select this check box to allocate period balances up to the current period.
- Allocate Life To Date
- Select this check box to allocate life to date balances up to the current period.
- Allocate Units
- Select this check box to allocate units.
- Process Posting Dimension Balances
- Use this field if the address fields for the summary source are specified and
posting level balances are allocated for summaries with large
posting elements.
If you select this field, then all dimensions are processed at the posting level. Balances are read from the GeneralLedgerTotal instead of the analytic cubes. Accounting strings are only processed if they are within the allocation structures and have balances.
Do not select this field to process summary level balances. If this field is cleared, the source accounting strings are generated. The balances of each source detail are retrieved from the analytic cubes.
- Allocate All Currency Amounts
- Select this check box to fully allocate each of the currency amounts.
If this check box is cleared, then the transaction amounts are allocated and the other currency amounts are converted from the allocation transaction amount.
- Allow Negative Weights
- Select this check box to allow negative manual weights and to process credit balances as negative when weight percentages are calculated.
- Use Custom Group in Source Address
- Select this check box to show custom group fields for the dimensions in the Source Address section. If a custom group is specified for a dimension, then a posting or summary dimension cannot be selected.
- Minimum Transaction Amount for Split
- Specify a value to calculate the minimum transaction amount
during an allocation run. You can specify a minimum transaction
amount if the From Post
Option field or the To Post Option is Split. For
example, if the minimum transaction amount is 100, then individual
transactions that are less than 100 are not generated. Instead, they
are allocated to the last generated transaction.
This field must be blank to create transactions for any calculated transaction amount.
- Overthrown Amount Option
- Select Default From Allocation to
inherit the overthrown amount option from the allocation. Select
Last Transaction or Last
Highest Weight to override the value of the
- If Last Transaction is selected, then the overthrown amount is allocated to the last generated transaction of the allocation.
- If Last Highest Weight is selected,
then the overthrown amount is allocated to the override with
the last highest weight.
This setting is applied to the allocation when a minimum transaction amount for split is specified.
In the Source Address section, specify this information:
- Ledger
- Specify the source ledger for the allocated balances. The default value is the ledger that is specified in the allocation.
- Source System Code
- Optionally, specify a system code for the allocation line. This value is used to override the allocation system code setting for this allocation line. Only balances that are created from the specified source system are allocated. This field must be blank to allocate balances from all system codes.
In the Source Address section, specify the origin of funds to
allocate. Select a value for each of the dimensions. The elements displayed are
based on the structures assigned in the Structures tab. The structures provide the
hierarchical user interface to select a posting, summary, or node value as a
source. Update the Structures tab as necessary. You can specify an existing
posting, summary, or node value. Specify this information:
- Process Posting Balances
- This check box is applicable only if a dimension is a summary
or a node. This value is ignored if a dimension is a posting
If the dimension is a summary, then select this check box to process source balances for each posting dimension in the selected summary. If the Use Posting Dimensions in Compute check box is selected, then the posting dimensions can be used in a weight compute statement to retrieve weight data.
If the dimension is a node, then select this check box to process source balances for each of the posting elements. Blank values under the node are included based on the allocation line structures.
Clear this check box to process source balances at the specified summary or top level node element based on the allocation line structures.
A node level element is specified when a node is selected or specified. A node level element is specified when the value for the dimension is blank and the Treat blank Dimension as empty check box is cleared.Note: The Dimension name in the Treat blank <dimension> as empty field is changed based on the user dimensions that are specified in the enterprise group setup. - Treat blank Dimension as empty
- This check box only applies to non-required dimensions. Select the check box to only allocate balances for entries where the value for the dimension is blank or empty. Clear the check box to allocate all balances within the assigned structure. This includes balances where the value for the dimension is blank.
- Click Save.
- Continue with the setup based on the selected posting options.