Using the wizard to create change requests on budget scenarios
To copy an existing change request, including comments and attachments, see Copying change requests on budget scenarios.
- Select Budgeting > Budget Scenarios.
- Open the budget scenario.
- On the Change Requests tab, click Create Using Wizard.
Specify this information on the Change
Request tab:
- Description
- Specify a description for the change request.
- Currency
- Select a currency to use for the change request amount.
- Default Period
- Select a period to use as the default value for the change request line.
- Hide Units
- Select this check box to hide these fields on the Lines tab:
- Units Amount
- Current Remaining Units Amount
- Pending Remaining Units Amount
- Click Next.
If you want to create a change request line, then follow these
On the Lines tab, click
Create and specify this
- Line
- Optionally, specify the change request line.
- Period
- Specify the budget period for which to add or update a budget. If this field is blank, then the value in Default Period is used.
- Budget Dimensions
- Select the budget posting dimensions for which to add or update a budget.
- Amount
- Specify the change request amount.
Specify a positive amount to increase or add a budget.
Specify a negative amount to decrease a budget.
If Balanced Amount Changes is selected in the scenario, then any changes to the amounts must be balanced between two or more budget lines. The change request cannot be released until the amounts are balanced.
- Units Amount
- Specify the budget changes for the units.
If Balanced Unit Changes is selected in the scenario, then any changes to the units must be balanced between two or more budget lines. The change request cannot be released until the units are balanced.
- Determine the budget amount and unit amount that are available for the change request.
Click Save and New
When you save a change request line, several new fields are available. These fields are available only when the status of the change request is Pending Approval or Unreleased:
- Current Remaining Budget
- Pending Remaining Budget
- Current Remaining Units Amount
- Pending Remaining Units Amount
For more information on these fields, see Creating change requests on budget scenarios.
On the Lines tab, click
Create and specify this
To create a change request line from existing budget data, follow these steps:
- On the Lines tab, click Create From Budget Data
- Select the budget data from which to create change request lines and click Add To Change Request.
- Click Close and optionally, edit the line.
- To copy a line, right-click the line and select Copy Row. Edit the line and click Save and New.
- Repeat the steps to add additional change request lines.
- Click Next.
To add comments or attachments to the change request, click
Create on the Comments tab. Specify this information:
- Subject
- Provide the subject of the comment.
- Comment
- Provide the comment.
- Comment Made By
- Specify the user name of the user who is creating the comment.
- Attachment
- Browse to attachments to include with the comment.
- Click Save.
- Click Next.
On the Summary tab, click Release to release the change request or
click the link to view the change request.
After release, if approval is enabled for the budget scenario, the change request status is Pending Approval. When the approval is complete, the status is Released.
If approval is not enabled, then the change request is automatically released and the status is Released.
After the approval is released, the corresponding budget line is added.