Manually creating interface records for transactions

  1. Select Processing > Transaction Interface > Transaction Interface.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Sequence Number
    Specify a unique sequence number for each line of the interface record.
    The core ledger is the default value for this field. Select the ledger for the interface record. The ledger must be associated with the accounting entity through one of the reporting bases.
    Accounting Entity
    Select the accounting entity for the line of the interface record.
    Account Code
    Select an account code for the line of the interface record or specify a valid posting account.
    Organization Code
    Select an organization code for the line of the interface record. If you have an organization code, then you can specify the To Accounting Entity and the Accounting Unit fields.
    To Accounting Entity
    Select the accounting entity for the interface record line.
    Accounting Unit
    Select the accounting unit for the interface record line.
    Select the project for the interface record line.
    Additional User Dimensions
    Select the values for any additional user dimension fields that make up the finance structure for the interface record line.
    Specify a description for the interface record line.
    Transaction Amount
    Specify the amount of the interface record line. Use positive amounts for debits and negative amounts for credits.
    Currency Code
    Select the currency for the interface record line.
    Select a system to use for the interface record.
    Posting Date
    Specify the posting date.
    Transaction Date
    Specify the interface transaction date for the record line.
    Journal Code
    Specify a journal code for the interface record line. The journal code can be used to group lines of the transaction interface.
    Auto Reverse
    Select this check box to auto reverse the interface transaction line.
    Auto Reverse Date
    This field is only applicable if you select the Auto Reverse check box. Select the specific date on which the transactions are auto reversed. If no date is selected, then the first day of the next period is used.
    Units Amount
    If units are allowed or required for the account selected, then specify the number of units.
    Document Number
    Optionally, specify a document number for the interface record line.
    Global Ledger Event
    Select an event for the interface record line.
    Specify a reference number to assign to associated transactions.
    Select a resource if the interface transaction line is related to an employee.
    Vendor Group
    For historical transactions, specify a vendor group.
    For historical transactions, specify a vendor.
    AP Paid
    For historical transactions for project ledger, select the Payables status. For some project contracts, the Payables transactions must be paid before the transaction is eligible for billing.
    • If the requirement does not exist, then select Eligible For Billing.
    • If the requirement exists, and the Payables transaction is paid, then select Eligible For Billing.
    • If the requirement exists, and the Payables transaction is not paid, then select Hold For Billing.
    For historical transactions for projects that are billable, select a status:
    • Unprocessed: The transaction has not been invoiced.
    • Invoiced: Invoices have been created in a draft or create status.
    • Processed: Invoices that have been journalized.
    • Distributed: Invoices have been posted.
    Revenue Recognized
    For historical transactions for projects that are eligible for revenue recognition, select a status.
    • Unprocessed: The transaction has not been recognized for revenue.
    • Draft: Revenue has been recognized in a draft or created status.
    • Processed: Revenue recognition that has been journalized.
    For historical transactions for projects that are eligible for capitalization, select a status:
    • Unprocessed: The transaction has not been capitalized.
    • Processed: The transaction has been capitalized.
    Labor Distribution
    For historical transactions for projects where labor is distributed, select a status:
    • Unprocessed: The labor transaction has not been distributed to the project.
    • Processed: The labor has been distributed to the project.
    • Distributed: The labor distribution record has been posted.
    Indirect Burden
    For historical transactions for projects that are eligible for indirect burdens, select whether the transaction has been processed as an indirect burden.
    Organization Unit
    For payroll transactions for project labor distribution, specify the GHR process level.
    For payroll transactions for project labor distribution, specify the payroll job code.
    Pay Code
    For payroll transactions for project labor distribution, specify the payroll pay code.
    For payroll transactions for project labor distribution, specify the payroll position code.
  4. Click Save.