Revaluing amounts for a reporting basis
Revaluation processes accounts that are set to revalue on the reporting chart assigned to the reporting basis.
- Select Processing > Reporting Basis > Reporting Basis.
- Click Revalue.
Specify this information:
- Basis Year
- The current year is the default value. Change this field to revalue a different year.
- Ledger
- To revalue a single ledger, select one of the ledgers that is associated with the reporting basis. If this field is blank, then all of the ledgers for the reporting basis are processed for revaluation.
- Accounting Entity
- To revalue a single accounting entity, select one of the accounting entities that is associated with the reporting basis. If this field is blank, then all of the accounting entities for the reporting basis are processed for revaluation.
- Accounting Entity Group
- To revalue an entity group, select an entity group that is comprised of accounting entities that are associated with the reporting basis.
- Period Option
- Select the period for which to revalue transactions such as current, previous, or next. You must select a period option in this field or a date range on the Date Range fields.
- Or Date Range
- To revalue amounts for a date range rather than a period, specify a begin date and end date.
- Changed Totals Only
- Select this check box to revalue only totals that have changed since the last revaluation.
- Rate Option
- Select Daily Rate to revalue currency amounts. Currency amounts are based on the exchange rate that is in effect for the period end date in the exchange rates table.
- Select Period Rate to revalue currency amounts. Currency amounts are based on the translation table rates. Translation table rates are defined on the translation rates table and the translation code that is associated with the revalued accounts.
- Gain Loss Post Option
- Specify which dimension will be the default on the gain or loss
offsetting transaction.
- Zone Or System:
The gain or loss offsetting transaction is posted to the
zone accounting unit of the originating accounting unit, if
the accounting entity is zoned. The transaction is posted to
the zone dimension of the originating dimension 1, if
dimension 1 is zoned.
If zoning is not used, then the system accounting unit and system dimension 1 are used.
- Originating Dimension: The gain or loss offsetting transaction is posted to the accounting unit or dimension 1 that is being processed for revaluation.
- Zone Or System:
The gain or loss offsetting transaction is posted to the
zone accounting unit of the originating accounting unit, if
the accounting entity is zoned. The transaction is posted to
the zone dimension of the originating dimension 1, if
dimension 1 is zoned.
- Auto Reverse
- Select this check box to have the resulting journal reverse in the next close configuration period for this reporting basis.
- By System Code
- Select this check box to generate transactions by system code for revaluation and translations.
- Create Released
- Select this check box to create the journals in released status. Revaluations and translations are posted automatically unless this check box is selected.
- Save Calculation
- Visibility to the balances that were used in the calculation of revaluations and translations is provided. Select this check box to view the amounts that are used in the revaluation and translation calculations. To view the amounts, select My Reports > Reporting Basis > Basis Gain Loss from the DrillAround action on the Gain Loss Account Related Transactions panel.
- Functional, Alternate Currency, Alternate 2 Currency, Alternate 3 Currency
- Select the accounting entity currencies to process for revaluation.
- All the reporting currencies are displayed on the form. Select which of the reporting currencies are to be processed for revaluation.
- Click OK.