Updating next year beginning balances without closing
Use this procedure to update next year's beginning balances for a reporting basis without closing the year.
- Select Processing > Reporting Basis > Reporting Basis.
- In the Reporting Basis pane, select a reporting basis.
- In the Basis Year Close pane, select the year to update the beginning balances.
In the Basis Year Close panel, select Actions > Update Next Year Balance.
You can select the Changed Totals Only check box to update the next year's balance based on what has changed since the last Update Next Year Balance was run.
A Balance update complete message is displayed. You can see beginning balances for the year processed in the Totals report.
- To view the beginning balances, select My Reports > Totals.
Filter on the next year's beginning balance period to view the
beginning balances that are stored in the close ledger of the reporting basis.
Note: The periods are displayed in Julian calendar format. Beginning balances are stored in period 000. For example, if you run the action for the year 2014, filter on period 2015000 to view the beginning balances.
For an alternate report view, select My Reports > Reporting Basis > Basis Close Report.