Creating transactions for a recurring journal
Select .
Open the recurring journal entry and click the Transactions tab.
Click Create.
Specify this information:
- Finance Structure
- Specify the accounting entity, account, and any other element that is part of the finance structure. The default ledger value is from the recurring journal control and cannot be changed.
- Amount
- Specify the amount of the transaction or specify the unit volume
and volume rate to calculate the amount.
- Volume
- To calculate an amount that is based on volume, specify the
volume and volume rate. Leave the Amount field blank.
- Volume Rate
- If you specify a volume, then specify the rate.
- Reference
- Specify a reference for the transaction line.
- Description
- Specify a description for the transaction line.
- Event
- The journal entry event is displayed. You can select a different
- Auto Reverse
- Select this check box if you want the transaction line to be reversed in the next period.
Click Save.