Creating items for a leased asset

  1. From the Leases menu, select a lease record.
  2. Click Assets.
  3. Select a leased asset record.
  4. On the Items tab, click Create.
  5. Specify this information:
    Item Adjustment Date
    Select the date for adjusting the items.
    Specify a number for your item.
    Specify an item description. If you do not define a description, then the asset description is the default.
    Purchase Date
    Select the date the asset is purchased. This purchase date can be different from the in-service dates for the depreciation books that are used.
    Item Quantity
    Specify the number of units that create the asset item.
    Specify the cost of the item.
    Specify the paid tax paid for this item.
    Model Number
    Specify the item model number.
    Serial Number
    Specify the item serial number.
    Bar Code
    If the item is part of the physical inventory, then you can select the bar code for the item.
    Location Detail
    Select the location detail information for the item.
    Item Condition
    Select whether the condition of the item is Damaged, Fair, or Good.
    Inventory Date
    Select the system-generated date of the last inventory.
    Optionally, specify the GIS latitude coordinate.
    Optionally, specify the GIS longitude coordinate.
    Optionally, specify the GIS altitude coordinate.
  6. In the Source section, specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Select the vendor that is associated with the purchased asset item.
    Purchase Order
    Select the number of the original purchase order to which this asset item is included.
    Payables Invoice
    Select the invoice number that is associated with the purchased asset item.
    Asset Project
    Select the project that is associated with the item.
  7. Click Save.