Adding lease adjustments

  1. Open a lease and select the Lease Adjustments tab.
  2. Open a lease to adjust to.
  3. Click Release Adjustment
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify the description of the adjustment.
    Adjustment Date
    Specify the start date of the lease adjustment.
    Adjustment Amount
    Specify the amount of the adjustment.
    Reason Code
    Specify the reason code of the lease adjustment.
    Note: This can be set up in Application Administrator > Administration > Lease Adjustment Reason Code.
    Add New Initial Direct Cost
    Select this check box to add a new initial direct cost to the lease.
    Initial Direct Cost
    Specify the initial direct cost.
    Select which vendor should receive the initial direct cost.
    Specify the amount of the new initial direct cost.
  5. Click Submit.