Creating lease projections

  1. Select Lease Projections.
  2. Select Company Group or Lease.
  3. If you selected Company Group, then select a company group. Projections are run for all leases for all companies in this company group.
  4. If you selected Lease, then select a company and a lease. Projections are run for the specified lease for the selected company. The leases that are available is determined by the company. If no lease is selected, then the report is run for all leases in the selected company.
  5. Specify this information:
    Lease Classification
    Optionally, restrict the report to all leases, only operating leases, or only finance leases.
    Lease Type
    Select a value to restrict the report to a specific lease type.
    Specify the year from which to project the data.
    Specify the period from which to project the data.
  6. Select whether to include closed leases. Select the start and end dates for closed leases. If the date range is blank, then closed leases are not included.
  7. Select whether to include retired leases. Select the start and end dates for retired leases. If the date range is not specified, then retired leases are not included.
  8. Specify this information:
    Select whether to include simulated leases. Select Only to include only simulated leases.
    Non Lease Component Costs
    Select whether to exclude the costs of non-lease components.
    Select whether to print the data in summary or in detail.
    Select how the lease report is sorted.
    Compute Statement
    Select whether to include the compute statement amounts.
  9. Optionally, select a distribution list to receive the report and select the format.
  10. Click Submit.