Creating a lease

To create a lease, users must specify the correct information on the fields that are required. Those fields are marked with a red asterisk.
  1. Select Leases.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the lease company.
    Specify the name of the lease and the description you want to add.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Select a classification lease. If left blank, the Classification Test will determine the lease classification.
    Select a lease type.
    Lease Term
    Specify the number of months the property or equipment is leased. This information is used by the classification test as part of the classification criteria.
    Total, Remaining Life
    Specify the total life and the remaining life of the leased property that is expressed as periods. This information is used by the classification test as part of the classification criteria.
    Select this check box to transfer the ownership to the lessee at the end of the lease. If you select this check box, then the lease classification must be Finance.
    Specialized Asset
    Select this check box if the asset is specialized.
    Select the project account information that is associated with the lease.
    Exercise Purchase
    Select this check box to classify the lease as a finance lease according to the US GAAP rules. If this field is selected, then a bargain purchase amount must be specified on the Amount tab. The bargain purchase amount is included as a payment at the end of the lease.
    Land And Building
    Select whether the land and building classification is Land Only, Land And Building Lease, or Neither.
    Land Value, Building Value
    If you select Land And Building Lease on the Land and Building field, then specify the fair market value of both the land and building.

    If you select Land Only, then specify the fair market value of the leased land.

  5. On the Amounts tab, specify this information:
    If the transaction currency is different from the lessor company functional currency, then select a currency. If this field is blank, then the company functional currency is used.
    Exchange Rate
    Specify the exchange rate between the company functional currency and the lease transaction currency.
    Investment Tax Credit
    Specify the lessor's tax credit amount.
    Security Deposit Amount
    Specify the security deposit amount.
    Lease Accounting Method
    Select GASB 87, ASC 842, or GASB 96 for the lease accounting method for this lease.
    Down Payment Amount
    Specify the amount that is paid to the lessor at the beginning of a lease. This amount is used to reduce the lease obligation and to secure the contract. No invoice is created by Lease Accounting for this payment. You must manually create a Payables invoice or use an non-lease component in Payment Schedule to generate an interfaced invoice.
    Bargain Purchase Amount
    If Exercise Purchase Flag check box is selected, then this amount is paid by the lessee to purchase the asset at the end of the lease.
    Residual Guaranteed Amount
    Specify the Residual Guaranteed Amount. The specified amount will be added as a lease payment at the end of the lease. The lease cannot have a bargain purchase amount that is Exercise Purchase and a Guaranteed Residual.
    Residual Unguaranteed Amount
    Specify the unguaranteed residual value of the asset at the end of the lease.
    Fair Market Value at Inception
    Specify the fair market value of the leased item at the inception of the lease. This information is used by the classification test as part of the classification criteria.
    Incentive Amount
    Specify the incentive amount. Incentive amounts are calculated similar to free rent. For example, one month free or reducted rent. Incentive amount affects the use of asset value and rent expense amount.
    Initial Direct Cost
    Specify the initial direct cost. This amount is used for disclosure report and ROU calculation.
    Note: For leases created with GASB 96 as the lease accounting method, these fields are available instead:
    1. Add Initial Direct Costs
      Select this button to create multiple initial direct costs.
    2. Total Initial Direct Costs
      If you specified multiple direct costs, the total of that is displayed in this field.
    Initial Direct Cost Vendor
    Select the initial direct cost vendor. The initial direct costs must be paid to the vendor, not to the lessor.
  6. On the Lease Fund tab, specify this information:
    Note: The Lease Fund tab is only visible if the Fund Accounting is turned on the FEG.
    Accounting Entity
    Specify the accounting entity associated to this transaction.
    Specify the fund details of the accounting entity.
    Specify the contribution percentage for this fund.
    Verify the details then click Save.
  7. On the Payment tab, specify this information:
    Current Lessor
    Select the name of the lessor.
    First Payment Date
    Select the date of the first lease payment.
    Invoice Prefix
    Specify a prefix that is connected to the payment number. This prefix is used to create the invoice number for Payables. The first 16 characters of the Lease field is the default. This field can be overridden.
    Payment Timing
    Select the Lease Payment Timing. The options are the beginning of period the or the end of the period. The payment timing is used to created the lease amortization.
    Lessee Discount Rate
    Select the Discount Rate for the Lease.
    Implicit Interest Rate
    Specify the lessor's interest rate.

    You must specify either the Implicit Interest Rate or Lessee Discount Rate on the lease.

    Allocation Code
    Select a valid allocation code to attach to the debt or expense account on the lease. Use this code to allocate percentages of an expense to different companies and dimensions.
    Allocation Code Type
    Select whether the allocation code type is Debt or Expense or Interest.
    Debt or Expense Account
    If the lease is classified as Finance, then specify the account information where the debt obligation is posted.

    If the lease is classified as Operating, then specify the account information where the operating expense is posted.

    For leases, you have two options:

    • Specify a Debt or Expense Account
    • Add the debt account in the Allocation Code field and set the Allocation Code Type to Debt or Expense.

    You cannot do both.

    Deferred Rent Account
    Specify the account information for deferred rent.
    Interest Account
    Specify the Interest Account for the Lease. You must specify this value if the lease is a Finance Lease or a GASB 87 lease.
    Long Term Operating Lease Expense Account
    Specify the Long Term Operating Lease Expense Account. This is needed if the lease is a long term Operating Lease. For example, an Operating Lease that is more than 12 months long.
  8. You have the option to select a short-term lease liability or a long-term lease liability.
    The Short-Term or Current Liability will be the liability amounts for the next 12 periods on the lease. The remaining liability after the next 12 periods will be the Long-Term Lease Liability. The total Liability on the Lease will be the sum of the Short-Term and Long-Term Lease Liability. Note in the final year of the lease Short-Term Lease Liability will be equal to the lease liability, so there will be a Short-Term Lease Liability on the Balance Sheet with no Long-Term Lease Liability.
  9. On the Classification tab, the results of the classification test are displayed:
    If the ownership of the leased property is transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease, then the value is Yes. The lease classification is Finance. See the Ownership field on the Main tab.
    Bargain Purchase Option
    If the lessee selects Exercise Purchase, then this field is Yes and the classification is Finance Lease. The Bargain Purchase Amount is specified on the Amounts tab.
    Economic Life to Lease Term
    If the lease term at inception is greater than or equal to 75 percent of the estimated economic life of the leased property, then this field is Yes. The lease is Finance. The estimated economic life is the Total Life field of the Main tab. This is used regardless of whether the asset is purchased or owned by the lessee at the end of the lease.
    Present Value to Market Value
    If the value of the minimum lease payment at the beginning of the lease is 90 percent or more of the fair market value at the inception of the lease, then this field is Yes and the lease is Finance. This value is used whether the lease is purchased or owned by the lessee at the end of the lease.
    Net Present Value
    The minimum lease payments that are used in the Present Value to Market Value calculation. The amount is shown in both Transaction and Base currency.
    Lease Obligation
    The present value of lease payments. This amount is booked to the debt account that is specified on the Payment tab.

    Unless there are Incentive, Down Payment, or Initial Direct Cost on the lease, the Lease Obligation is the equal to the ROU Asset Amount less the net of the Incentives, Down payments, and IDC.

  10. On the Options tab, specify this information:
    Last Date Reviewed
    Select the last date of the last review.
    Early Termination Date
    Select the early termination date on the lease agreement if specified. This date is usually before the end date of the lease.
    Termination Fee
    Select the Termination Fee on the lease agreement for early termination of the lease.
    Termination Option
    Select this if the lease agreement has the option for early termination.
    Termination Non Lease Component
    Specify the expense account for the termination fee, if one exists.
    Termination Gain Loss Account
    Specify the account code block for any gain or loss on early termination.
    Reasonably Certain
    Select this check box if you are reasonably certain to terminate the lease early.
    Renewal Option
    Select this option is the lease agreement has a renewal option.
    Reasonably Certain
    Select this option if you are reasonably certain to renew the lease.
    Number Of Renewal Options
    Specify the number of renewals for this lease.
    Renewal Term In Months
    Specify the number of months for the renewal term.
    Renewal Notification Date
    Select the Renewal Notification Date on the Lease Agreement.
    Acquired Business Combination
    Select this check box if the lease has acquired business combination.
    Select this check box if the lease is simulated.

    Simulated leases can be used to run various lease scenarios without any effect on the books.

    Related Party Lease
    Select this check box if the lease has an involved related party.
  11. The Amortization tab, displays the Amortization for the Lease.
  12. Click Save.
    The Non Lease Component and Attachments tabs are now available.