Mass updating cart or par locations

You can perform mass changes to cart or par locations and add, replace, or delete an item on multiple carts. You can change any value for an item at the cart or par location, and report of the results of the change.

  1. Select Par Cart Mass Changes.
  2. Specify this information:
    All Par Locations
    Select Yes to include all par locations. Select All Par Locations or Report Group, not both.
    Select an item.
    Select Report Mode to report on the change only. Select Update Mode to both update and report on the change.
  3. In the Change Field section, specify changes to any of the fields:
  4. In the Location Change section, change the vendor or purchase from location, or replace an item from one company, location, or bin to another.
  5. In the Item Change section, you can replace one item with another, or you can add or delete an item.
  6. In the Report Distribution section, select a distribution list and export type for Par Cart Mass Changes Report.
  7. Click Submit.