Billing interfaces

Your initial interface of billing data from a non-Infor source to the Billing solution includes loading these records.
This table contains important information about the interfaces for this solution:
  • The name, description, and method for testing for each interface.
  • The name of the CSV file, if applicable.

    If there is only a CSV input file and no database input (business class), then there is no maintenance form for the input file. Maintenance must be done on the CSV file and the interface reprocessed.

  • The business class (ISD File), which is the error/interface file where data is stored if you have errors. In some cases, the business class (ISD file) is also the file into which the data is initially interfaced.
  • Where you go to perform maintenance after the interface is run.
  • The Results menu item.
Interface CSV Business class (ISD file) Maintenance Results
Billing Interface


Import billing detail information and turn it into Billing Invoices.

n/a BillingInvoiceImportLine






Credit Card Interface


Interface credit card information into Billing.

n/a CustomerCreditCardImport CustomerCreditCardInterface n/a
Ship To Load


Import customer ship to records into Billing from an external source.

n/a ShipToLoadImport ShipToLoadImport n/a
Invoice Load


Import invoices and credit memos into Billing from an external source.

n/a InvoiceLoadImport InvoiceLoadImport n/a