Creating questions

  1. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Item Lifecycle Management > Task Instructions.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On Task Instruction page, specify this information:
    Specify the text for the question.
    Response Type
    Select a response type for the question:
    • Text: Descriptive text
    • Number: Numeric value
    • Date: Date format
    • List: Multiple choice answer (provide the available answers after adding the question)
    • Yes No: Yes or No answer
    • Yes No Text: Yes or No answer with additional descriptive text
    Select whether an answer is required.
    You can add an attachment file, such as a detailed instruction sheet, a form, or an image.
    Allow Attachment
    Select this check box if the responder can add an attachment to the question response.
    Response Rules
    Specify whether response or attachments are required.
  4. Click Save.