These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your contract IDM template.
Business Class: Contract
List: ContractForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
SupplierName | Supplier Name | Supplier.SupplierName |
SupplierMailingAddressLine1 | Supplier AddressLine1 | Supplier.MailingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
SupplierMailingAddressLine2 | Supplier AddressLine2 | Supplier.MailingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
SupplierMailingAddressLine3 | Supplier AddressLine3 | Supplier.MailingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
SupplierMailingAddressLine4 | Supplier AddressLine4 | Supplier.MailingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
SupplierMailingAddressMunicipality | Supplier Municipality | Supplier.MailingAddress.Municipality |
SupplierMailingAddressStateProvince | Supplier StateProvince | Supplier.MailingAddress.StateProvince |
SupplierMailingAddressPostalCode | Supplier PostalCode | Supplier.MailingAddress.PostalCode |
SupplierSourceIdMainContact | Supplier Source ID Contact FirstAndLastName | SupplierSourceId.MainContact.FirstAndLastName |
SupplierSourceIdContactTitle | Supplier Source ID Contact Title | SupplierSourceId.ContactTitle |
SupplierSourceIdTelephoneNumberTelephoneDisplay | Supplier TelephoneDisplay | SupplierSourceId.TelephoneNumber.TelephoneDisplay |
SupplierSourceIdEmailAddress | Supplier EmailAddress | SupplierSourceId.EmailAddress |
PrimaryContactPhoneNumber | Buyer Phone | PrimaryContactPhoneNumber |
PrimaryContact | Buyer Attention | PrimaryContact |
Contract | Buyer Contract Number | Contract |
SupplierTaxId | Supplier Tax ID | Supplier.TaxIdGroup.TaxId |
SupplierBillingLastName | Supplier Billing Last Name | Supplier.BillingLastName |
SupplierBillingFirstName | Supplier Billing First Name | Supplier.BillingFirstName |
Supplier | Supplier | Supplier |
Name | Contract Purpose | Name |
EffectiveDate | Effective Date | DerivedContractEffectiveDate |
ExpirationDate | Expiration Date | DerivedContractExpirationDate |
ContractType | Contract Type | ContractType |
ContractSubtype | Contract Subtype | ContractSubtype |
ContractClassification | Contract Classification | ContractClassification |
ContractSubclassification | Contract Subclassification | ContractSubclassification |
Description | Contract Description | Description |
IncludeContractCommentHeader | Include Contract Comment record flag | DerivedIncludeContractCommentHeader |
DisplayContractAllowancesSection | Contract Allowances Section Display | DisplayContractAllowancesSection |
Business Class: ContractArticle
List: ContractArticlesForIDM
Path: /ContractDetails/Articles/Article
XML field | Description | FSM field |
ContractArticle | Article Number | ContractArticle |
DisplayOrder | Article Display Order | DisplayOrder |
HeaderText | Article HeaderText | HeaderText |
Business Class: ContractTermAndCondition
List: ContractTermsAndConditionsForIDM
Path: /ContractDetails/Articles/Article/TermsAndConditionsDetails/TermsAndConditionsDetail
XML field | Description | FSM field |
DisplayOrder | Terms and Condition Display Order | DisplayOrder |
HeaderText | Terms and Condition HeaderText | HeaderText |
Description | Terms and Condition Description | DerivedDescriptionForIDM |
Business Class: ContractTermAndCondition
List: ContractTermsAndConditionsForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
DisplayOrder | Terms and Condition Display Order | DisplayOrder |
HeaderText | Terms and Condition HeaderText | HeaderText |
Description | Terms and Condition Description | DerivedDescriptionForIDM |
Business Class: ContractTermAndCondition
List: ContractTermsAndConditionsForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
DisplayOrder | Terms and Condition Display Order | DisplayOrder |
HeaderText | Terms and Condition HeaderText | HeaderText |
Description | Terms and Condition Description | DerivedDescriptionForIDM |
Business Class: ContractTermAndCondition
List: ContractTermsAndConditionsForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
DisplayOrder | Terms and Condition Display Order | DisplayOrder |
HeaderText | Terms and Condition HeaderText | HeaderText |
Description | Terms and Condition Description | DerivedDescriptionForIDM |
Business Class: ContractLine
List: ContractLinesForIDM
Path: /ContractDetails/Lines/Line
XML field | Description | FSM field |
ItemNumber | Item Number | ItemNumber |
VendorItem | Vendor Item | VendorItem |
ItemDescription | Item Description | ItemDescription |
UnitOfMeasure | UOM | UOM.UnitOfMeasure |
BaseCost | Base Cost | BaseCost |
Business Class: ContractAllowance
List: ContractAllowanceForIDM
Path: /ContractDetails/Allowances/Allowance
XML field | Description | FSM field |
ContractLine | Contract Line | DerivedDocumentLine |
ContractAllowanceName | Contract Allowance Name | ContractAllowance |
ContractAllowanceDescription | Contract Allowance Description | Description |
ContractAllowanceAmount | Contract Allowance Amount | Amount |
ContractAllowanceQuantity | Contract Allowance Quantity | DerivedDocumentQuantity |
ContractAllowanceExtendedAmount | Contract Allowance Extended Amount | DerivedExtendedAmount |
ContractAllowanceOriginalAmount | Contract Allowance Original Amount | DerivedOriginalAmount |
ContractAllowanceChangeOrderAmount | Contract Allowance Change Order Amount | DerivedChangeOrderAmount |
Business Class: ContractComment
List: ContractCommentsForIDM
Path: /ContractDetails/Comments/CommentDetail
XML field | Description | FSM field |
CommentTitle | Comment Title | CommentTitle |
Description | Comment Description | Description |
Business Class: ContractMilestone
List: ContractMilestoneForIDM
Path: /ContractMilestone/
XML field | Description | FSM field |
ContractMilestoneName | MilestoneName | MilestoneName |
ContractMilestoneDescription | MilestoneDescription | MilestoneDescription |
ContractMilestoneDate | MilestoneDate | MilestoneDate |
ContractMilestoneQuantity | MilestoneQuantity | MilestoneQuantity |
ContractMilestoneRate | MilestoneRate | MilestoneRate |
ContractMilestoneAmount | MilestoneAmount | MilestoneAmount |
ContractMilestonePercentageComplete | MilestonePercentageComplete | MilestonePercentageComplete |
ContractMilestonePerson Responsible | MilestonePerson Responsible | MilestonePerson Responsible |
Contract MilestoneComments | MilestoneComments | MilestoneComments |
ContractMilestoneContact | MilestoneContact | MilestoneContact |
ContractMilestoneNotification Emails | MilestoneNotification Emails | MilestoneNotification Emails |