Receivables statement
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your receivables statement IDM template.
Business Class: StatementPrintHeader
List: StatementPrintHeaderListforIDMDoc
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Date | As Of Date | AsOfDate |
Company | Company | Company |
CompanyName | Company Name | Company.Name |
Customer | Customer | Customer |
CustomerName | Customer Name | Customer.Name |
PostalAddress1 | Customer Address Line 1 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
PostalAddress2 | Customer Address Line 2 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
PostalAddress3 | Customer Address Line 3 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
PostalAddress4 | Customer Address Line 4 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
PostalAddressCity | Customer Address City | Customer.PostalAddress.Municipality |
PostalAddressState | Cutomer Address State | Customer.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
PostalAddressPostal | Customer Address Postal Code | Customer.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
PostalAddressCountry | Customer Address Country Code | Customer.PostalAddress.Country |
PostalAddressCountryName | Customer Address Country | Customer.PostalAddress.Country.Name |
RemitToAddressName | Remit To Name | DerivedRemitToAddressName |
RemitToAddress1 | Remit to Address Line 1 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine1 |
RemitToAddress2 | Remit to Address Line 2 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine2 |
RemitToAddress3 | Remit to Address Line 3 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine3 |
RemitToAddress4 | Remit to Address Line 4 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine4 |
RemitToAddressCity | Remit to Address City | DerivedRemitToAddressMunicipality |
RemitToAddressState | Remit to Address State | DerivedRemitToAddressState |
RemitToAddressPostal | Remit to Address Postal Code | DerivedRemitToAddressPostalCode |
RemitToAddressCountry | Remit to Address Country | DerivedRemitToAddressCountry |
StatementText | Receivables Statement Text Code | DerivedStatementText |
AgingPeriod1Label | Aging period 1 label | AgingPeriod1Title |
AgingPeriod2Label | Aging period 2 label | AgingPeriod2Title |
AgingPeriod3Label | Aging period 3 label | AgingPeriod3Title |
AgePeriod1Total | Aging period 1 Total | DerivedAgePeriod1Total |
AgePeriod2Total | Aging period 2 Total | DerivedAgePeriod2Total |
AgePeriod3Total | Aging period 3 Total | DerivedAgePeriod3Total |
CurrentBalance | Current Statement Balance | DerivedCurrentBalance |
LastStatementBalance | Last Statement Balance | DerivedLastStatementBalance |
TotalOpenAmount | Total Open Amount | DerivedTotalOpenAmount |
TotalOpenAmountInWords | Total Open Amount in Wordings | TotalOpenAmountInWords |
StatementCurrency | Statement Currency | DerivedReportCurrency |
EmailFrom | Email From Address | CompanyCustomerRel.ReceivablesStatementFromAndReplyToEmail |
CurrentAmountTotal | Current Amount Total | DerivedCurrentAmountTotal |
CustomerContact | Customer Contact | Customer.Contact |
CustomerContactTitle | Customer Contact Title | Customer.ContactTitle |
CustomerCustomerReference | Customer Reference | Customer.CustomerReference |
CustomerCustomerReference2 | Customer Reference2 | Customer.CustomerReference2 |
CustomerElectronicGovernmentID | Customer Electronic Government ID | Customer.ElectronicGovernmentID |
CustomerLegalName | Customer Legal Name | Customer.LegalName |
CustomerSocialNetworkID2 | Customer Social Network ID2 | Customer.SocialNetworkID2 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID3 | Customer Social Network ID3 | Customer.SocialNetworkID3 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID4 | Customer Social Network ID4 | Customer.SocialNetworkID4 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID5 | Customer Social Network ID5 | Customer.SocialNetworkID5 |
CustomerTaxID | Customer Tax ID | Customer.TaxID |
CustomerTaxIdentificationType | Customer TaxIdentification Type | Customer.TaxIdentificationType |
CustomerTaxRegistrationType | Customer Tax Registration Type | Customer.TaxRegistrationType |
CustomerTwitterID | Customer Twitter ID | Customer.TwitterID |
CustomerURLAddress | Customer URL Address | Customer.URLAddress |
CustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Customer VAT Registration Country | Customer.VATRegistrationCountry |
CustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Customer VAT Registration Number | Customer.VATRegistrationNumber |
CompanyCustomerAlternateEDINumber | Company Customer Alternate EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDINumber |
CompanyCustomerAlternateEDIType | Company Customer Alternate EDI Type | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDIType |
CompanyCustomerContact | Company Customer Contact | CompanyCustomerRel.Contact |
CompanyCustomerCreditAnalyst | Company Customer Credit Analyst | CompanyCustomerRel.CreditAnalyst |
CompanyCustomerCustomerMajorClass | Company Customer Major Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMajorClass |
CompanyCustomerCustomerMinorClass | Company Customer Minor Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMinorClass |
CompanyCustomerEDINumber | Company Customer EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.EDINumber |
CompanyCustomerStartDate | Company Customer Start Date | CompanyCustomerRel.StartDate |
CompanyCustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Company Customer VAT Registration Country | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationCountry |
CompanyCustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Company Customer VAT Registration Number | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationNumber |
Business Class: StatementPrintDetail
List: StatementPrintDetailsForIDM
Path: StatementPrintHeader/Details/Detail
XML field | Description | FSM field |
TransactionNumber | Transaction Number | TransactionNumber |
TransactionDate | Transaction Date | TransactionDate |
DueDate | Transaction Due Date | DueDate |
CustomerPurchaseOrder | Customer Purchase Order | CustomerPurchaseOrder |
OriginalCurrency | Transaction Currency | OriginalCurrency |
TransactionAmount | Transaction Amount | TransactionAmount |
OpenAmount | Transaction Open Amount | OpenAmount |
ChildCompany | Child Company | InvoiceCompany |
ChildCompanyName | Child Company Name | InvoiceCompany.Name |
ChildCustomer | Child Customer | InvoiceCustomer |
ChildCustomerName | Child Customer Name | InvoiceCustomer.Name |
ChildCustomerContact | Child Customer Contact | InvoiceCustomer.Contact |
ChildCustomerContactTitle | Child Customer Contact Title | InvoiceCustomer.ContactTitle |
ChildCustomerCustomerReference | Child Customer Reference | InvoiceCustomer.CustomerReference |
ChildCustomerCustomerReference2 | Child Customer Reference2 | InvoiceCustomer.CustomerReference2 |
ChildCustomerElectronicGovernmentID | Child Customer Electronic Government ID | InvoiceCustomer.ElectronicGovernmentID |
ChildCustomerLegalName | Child Customer Legal Name | InvoiceCustomer.LegalName |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID2 | Child Customer Social Network ID2 | InvoiceCustomer.SocialNetworkID2 |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID3 | Child Customer Social Network ID3 | InvoiceCustomer.SocialNetworkID3 |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID4 | Child Customer Social Network ID4 | InvoiceCustomer.SocialNetworkID4 |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID5 | Child Customer Social Network ID5 | InvoiceCustomer.SocialNetworkID5 |
ChildCustomerTaxID | Child Customer Tax ID | InvoiceCustomer.TaxID |
ChildCustomerTaxIdentificationType | Child Customer TaxIdentification Type | InvoiceCustomer.TaxIdentificationType |
ChildCustomerTaxRegistrationType | Child Customer Tax Registration Type | InvoiceCustomer.TaxRegistrationType |
ChildCustomerTwitterID | Child Customer Twitter ID | InvoiceCustomer.TwitterID |
ChildCustomerURLAddress | Child Customer URL Address | InvoiceCustomer.URLAddress |
ChildCustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Child Customer VAT Registration Country | InvoiceCustomer.VATRegistrationCountry |
ChildCustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Child Customer VAT Registration Number | InvoiceCustomer.VATRegistrationNumber |
Business Class: ReceivableApplication
List: ReceivableApplicationsForIDM
Path: Applications/Application
XML field | Description | FSM field |
PaymentNumber | Payment Number | CreditTransaction.CreditNumber |
TransactionDate | Payment Transaction Date | GeneralLedgerDate |
PaymentAmount | Payment Amount | CreditTransaction.CreditApplicationAmount.CurrencyAmount |
ChildCustomerContact | Child Customer Contact | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.Contact |
ChildCustomerContactTitle | Child Customer Contact Title | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.ContactTitle |
ChildCustomerCustomerReference | Child Customer Reference | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.CustomerReference |
ChildCustomerCustomerReference2 | Child Customer Reference2 | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.CustomerReference2 |
ChildCustomerElectronicGovernmentID | Child Customer Electronic Government ID | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.ElectronicGovernmentID |
ChildCustomerLegalName | Child Customer Legal Name | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.LegalName |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID2 | Child Customer Social Network ID2 | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.SocialNetworkID2 |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID3 | Child Customer Social Network ID3 | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.SocialNetworkID3 |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID4 | Child Customer Social Network ID4 | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.SocialNetworkID4 |
ChildCustomerSocialNetworkID5 | Child Customer Social Network ID5 | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.SocialNetworkID5 |
ChildCustomerTaxID | Child Customer Tax ID | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.TaxID |
ChildCustomerTaxIdentificationType | Child Customer TaxIdentification Type | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.TaxIdentificationType |
ChildCustomerTaxRegistrationType | Child Customer Tax Registration Type | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.TaxRegistrationType |
ChildCustomerTwitterID | Child Customer Twitter ID | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.TwitterID |
ChildCustomerURLAddress | Child Customer URL Address | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.URLAddress |
ChildCustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Child Customer VAT Registration Country | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.VATRegistrationCountry |
ChildCustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Child Customer VAT Registration Number | CompanyCustomerRel.Customer.VATRegistrationNumber |
ChildCompanyCustomerAlternateEDINumber | Child Company Customer Alternate EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDINumber |
ChildCompanyCustomerAlternateEDIType | Child Company Customer Alternate EDI Type | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDIType |
ChildCompanyCustomerContact | Child Company Customer Contact | CompanyCustomerRel.Contact |
ChildCompanyCustomerCreditAnalyst | Child Company Customer Credit Analyst | CompanyCustomerRel.CreditAnalyst |
ChildCompanyCustomerCustomerMajorClass | Child Company Customer Major Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMajorClass |
ChildCompanyCustomerCustomerMinorClass | Child Company Customer Minor Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMinorClass |
ChildCompanyCustomerEDINumber | Child Company Customer EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.EDINumber |
ChildCompanyCustomerStartDate | Child Company Customer Start Date | CompanyCustomerRel.StartDate |
ChildCompanyCustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Child Company Customer VAT Registration Country | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationCountry |
ChildCompanyCustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Child Company Customer VAT Registration Number | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationNumber |
ReceivableInvoiceCustomerBillTo | Receivable Invoice Child Customer Bill To | ReceivableInvoiceRel.CustomerBillTo |
ReceivableInvoiceCertificationDate | Receivable Invoice Certification Date | ReceivableInvoiceRel.CertificationDate |
ReceivableInvoiceCertificationNumber | Receivable Invoice Certification Number | ReceivableInvoiceRel.CertificationNumber |
ReceivableInvoiceCustomerOrder | Receivable Invoice Child Customer Order | ReceivableInvoiceRel.CustomerOrder |
ReceivableInvoiceDescription | Receivable Invoice Description | ReceivableInvoiceRel.Description |
ReceivableInvoiceEWayBillNumber | Receivable Invoice E Way Bill Number | ReceivableInvoiceRel.EWayBillNumber |
ReceivableInvoiceForeignEconomicRegulatoryCode | Receivable Invoice Foreign Economic Regulatory Code | ReceivableInvoiceRel.ForeignEconomicRegulatoryCode |
ReceivableInvoiceInvoiceTypeCode | Receivable Invoice Invoice Type Code | ReceivableInvoiceRel.InvoiceTypeCode |
ReceivableInvoiceParallelReference | Receivable Invoice Parallel Reference | ReceivableInvoiceRel.ParallelReference |
ReceivableInvoiceReceivableProcessLevel | Receivable Invoice Process Level | ReceivableInvoiceRel.ReceivableProcessLevel |
ReceivableInvoiceRegimeCode | Receivable Invoice Regime Code | ReceivableInvoiceRel.RegimeCode |
ReceivableInvoiceTaxExempt | Receivable Invoice Tax Exempt | ReceivableInvoiceRel.TaxExempt |
ReceivableInvoiceTransactionUserField1 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 1 | ReceivableInvoiceRel.TransactionUserField1 |
ReceivableInvoiceTransactionUserField2 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 2 | ReceivableInvoiceRel.TransactionUserField2 |
ReceivableInvoiceTransactionUserField3 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 3 | ReceivableInvoiceRel.TransactionUserField3 |
ReceivableInvoiceTransactionUserField4 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 4 | ReceivableInvoiceRel.TransactionUserField4 |
ReceivableInvoiceTransactionUserField5 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 5 | ReceivableInvoiceRel.TransactionUserField5 |
ReceivableInvoiceVoucherReferenceNumber | Receivable Invoice Voucher Reference Number | ReceivableInvoiceRel.VoucherReferenceNumber |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDescription | Receivable Invoice Detail Description | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.Description |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDiscountAmount | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount Amount | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DerivedDiscount1Amount |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDiscountDate | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount Date | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DiscountDate.DiscDate[1] |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDiscount2Amount | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount2 Amount | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DerivedDiscount2Amount |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDiscount2Date | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount2 Date | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DiscountDate.DiscDate[2] |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDiscount3Amount | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount3 Amount | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DerivedDiscount3Amount |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailDiscount3Date | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount3 Date | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DiscountDate.DiscDate[3] |
CalculatedDiscount | Receivable Invoice Detail Calculated Discount | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.DerivedDiscountAmount |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailHSNSACCode | Receivable Invoice Detail HSNSAC Code | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.HSNSACCode |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailItemReference | Receivable Invoice Detail Item Reference | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.ItemReference |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailItemUser1 | Receivable Invoice Detail Item User1 | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.ItemUser1 |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailLastStatementDate | Receivable Invoice Detail Last Statement Date | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.LastStatementDate |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailSort1 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort1 | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.Sort1 |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailSort2 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort2 | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.Sort2 |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailSort3 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort3 | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.Sort3 |
ReceivableInvoiceDetailSort4 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort4 | ReceivableInvoiceDetailRel.Sort4 |
Business Class: ReceivableApplicationAdjustment
List: ReceivableApplicationAdjustmentForIDM
Path: Adjustments/Adjustment
XML field | Description | FSM field |
AdjustmentAmount | Cash Application Adjustment Amount | AdjustmentAmount.CurrencyAmount |