Warehouse packing list
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your warehouse packing list IDM template.
Business Class: WarehouseShipment
List: WarehousePackingListforIDMDoc
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Company | Company | Company |
CompanyName | Company Name | Company.Name |
CurrentDate | Current Date | DerivedIDMCurrentDate |
CurrentTime | Current Time | DerivedIDMCurrentTime |
CustomerNumber | Customer Number | CustomerOrderRel.Customer |
BillTo | Bill To | DerivedBillTo |
BillToName | Bill To Name | DerivedBillToName |
BillToAddressLine1 | Bill To Address Line 1 | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
BillToAddressLine2 | Bill To Address Line 2 | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
BillToAddressLine3 | Bill To Address Line 3 | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
BillToAddressLine4 | Bill To Address Line 4 | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
BillToCity | Bill To City | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.Municipality |
BillToState | Bill To State | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.StateProvince |
BillToPostalCode | Bill To Postal Code | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.PostalCode |
BillToCounty | Bill To County | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.County |
BillToRegion | Bill To Region | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.Region |
BillToCountry | Bill To Country | WarehouseDemand.BillingAddress.Country |
ShipTo | Ship To | CustomerOrderRel.CustomerShipTo |
ShipToName | Ship To Name | CustomerOrderRel.CustomerShipTo.Name |
ShipToAddressLine1 | Ship To Address Line 1 | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
ShipToAddressLine2 | Ship To Address Line 2 | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
ShipToAddressLine3 | Ship To Address Line 3 | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
ShipToAddressLine4 | Ship To Address Line 4 | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
ShipToCity | Ship To City | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.Municipality |
ShipToState | Ship To State | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.StateProvince |
ShipToPostalCode | Ship To Postal Code | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.PostalCode |
ShipToCounty | Ship To County | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.County |
ShipToRegion | Ship To Region | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.Region |
ShipToCountry | Ship To Country | WarehouseDemand.DestinationAddress.Country |
InventoryLocation | Inventory Location | InventoryLocation |
InventoryLocationName | Inventory Location Name | InventoryLocation.Name |
InventoryLocationAddress1 | Inventory Location Address 1 | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
InventoryLocationAddress2 | Inventory Location Address 2 | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
InventoryLocationAddress3 | Inventory Location Address 3 | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
InventoryLocationAddress4 | Inventory Location Address 4 | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
InventoryLocationCity | Inventory Location City | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.Municipality |
InventoryLocationState | Inventory Location State | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
InventoryLocationPostalCode | Inventory Location Postal Code | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
InventoryLocationCounty | Inventory Location County | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.County |
InventoryLocationRegion | Inventory Location Region | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.Region |
InventoryLocationCountry | Inventory Location Country | InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.Country |
WarehouseShipment | Warehouse Shipment | WarehouseShipment |
DocumentNumber | Document Number | WarehouseDemand.DemandDocument |
OrderDate | Order Date | DerivedOrderDate |
CustomerPurchaseOrder | Customer Purchase Order | CustomerOrderRel.CustomerPurchaseOrder |
FreightDescription | Freight Description | FreightCode.BillingFreightDescription |
ShippingMethod | Shipping Method | ShippingMethod |
NumberOfCartons | Number Of Cartons | NumberOfCartons |
TotalWeight | Total Weight | StockWeight |
TotalVolume | Total Volume | StockVolume |
HasBackorders | Has Backorders | DerivedHasPackingListBackorders |
ParameterShipmentStatus | Parameter Shipment Status | TransientShipmentStatus |
ParameterCarrier | Parameter Carrier | TransientCarrier |
ParameterCODOnly | Parameter COD Only | TransientCODOnly |
ParameterIncludeBackorders | Parameter Include Backorders | TransientIncludeBackorders |
DocumentSource | Document Source | DerivedDocumentSource |
BillOfLading | Bill Of Lading | BillOfLading |
ParameterIDMPrinter | Parameter IDM Printer | TransientIDMPrinter |
ShipmentStatus | Shipment Status | DerivedIDMStatus |
HasLinesWithSpecialHandling | Checks if the Shipment has Special Handling | HasLinesWithSpecialHandling |
Business Class: WarehouseShipmentLine
List: WarehousePackingListLinesForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
WarehouseShipment | Warehouse Shipment | WarehouseShipment |
Line | Warehouse Shipment Line | WarehouseShipmentLine |
Item | Item | Item |
Description | Item Description | Description |
ItemDescription2 | Item Description 2 | Item.Description2 |
UOM | Item UOM | TransactionUOM |
PackWeight | Shipment Pack Weight | StockWeight |
PackVolume | Shipment Pack Volume | StockVolume |
Quantity | Shipment Line Quantity | DerivedWarehousePackingListQuantity |
BackorderedQuantity | Shipment Line Backordered Quantity | DerivedWarehousePackingListBackorderedQuantity |
HasItemComments | Checks if the shipment line has item comments | DerivedHasItemComments |
HasShipmentLineDetails | Checks if the shipment line has shipment line details | DerivedHasPackingListShipmentLineDetails |
ItemRequiresSpecialHandling | Checks if the shipment line has Special Handling | ItemRequiresSpecialHandling |
Business Class: RequisitionLine
List: WarehousePickListPrintPrefCardForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
PatientName | Patient Name | DerivedPatientNameForIDMPickList |
ProcedureDate | Procedure Date | DerivedProcedureDate |
ProcedureTime | Procedure Time | DerivedProcedureTime |
ProcedureRoom | Procedure Room | DerivedProcedureRoom |
Procedures | Procedures | DerivedPreferenceCardProcedures |
PreferenceCardAlias | Preference Card Alias | DerivedPreferenceCardAlias |
PreferenceCardService | Preference Card Service | DerivedPreferenceCardService |
ProcedureCase | Procedure Case | DerivedProcedureCase |
PreferenceCardProviders | Surgeon or Physician | DerivedPreferenceCardProviders |
OpenQuantity | Open Quantity | DerivedOpenQuantity |
HoldQuantity | Hold Quantity | DerivedHoldQuantity |
TotalQuantity | Total Quantity | DerivedTotalQuantity |
Business Class: WarehouseShipmentLineDetail
List: WHPackingListLineDetailForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Bin | Bin | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Bin |
Lot | Lot | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Lot |
Sublot | Sublot | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Sublot |
Serial | Serial | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Serial |
Quantity | Quantity | Quantity |
Business Class: ItemComment
List: ItemCommentIDMList
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
Comment | Comment | Comment |
Business Class: WarehouseDemandLine
List: WHPackingListBackorderedItemsForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
ItemUOM | Item UOM | Item.StockUOM |
LineNumber | Line Number | WarehouseDemandLine.LineNumber |
BackorderedQuantity | Backordered Quantity | BackorderedQuantity |
Business Class: WarehouseShipmentLine
List: WarehouseShipmentLineWithSpecialHandlingForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
LineNumber | Line Number | WarehouseShipmentLine |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
SpecialHandlingInstructions | Special Handling Instructions | DerivedSpecialHandlingInstructions |
HandlingTime | Special Handling Time | DerivedHandlingTimeInMinutes |
HasItemComponent | Checks if the shipment line has Special Handling | DerivedHasItemComponentSpecialHandling |