Receivable invoice
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your receivable invoice IDM template.
Business Class: ReceivableInvoice
List: ReceivableInvoiceListForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
ReceivableCompanyName | Receivable Company Name | Company.Name |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine1 | Receivable Company Address - Line 1 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine2 | Receivable Company Address - Line 2 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine3 | Receivable Company Address - Line 3 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine4 | Receivable Company Address - Line 4 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
ReceivableCompanyCity | Receivable Company Address - City | Company.PostalAddress.Municipality |
ReceivableCompanyState | Receivable Company Address - State | Company.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
ReceivableCompanyZipCode | Receivable Company Address - Zip Code | Company.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
ReceivableCompanyPhoneNumber | Receivable Company Phone Number | Company.PhoneNumber |
InvoiceType | Receivable Invoice Type | DerivedReceivableInvoiceTypeForPrinting |
TransactionNumber | Receivable Invoice Number | ReceivableInvoice |
TransactionDate | Transaction Date | TransactionDate |
Customer | Customer Number | Customer |
PurchaseOrder | Purchase Order Number | CustomerPurchaseOrder |
DueDate | Due Date | DueDate |
CustomerName | Customer Name | Customer.Name |
CustomerDeliveryAddressLine1 | Customer Delivery Address - Line 1 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
CustomerDeliveryAddressLine2 | Customer Delivery Address - Line 2 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
CustomerDeliveryAddressLine3 | Customer Delivery Address - Line 3 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
CustomerDeliveryAddressLine4 | Customer Delivery Address - Line 4 | Customer.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
CustomerCity | Customer Delivery Address - City | Customer.PostalAddress.Municipality |
CustomerState | Customer Delivery Address - State | Customer.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
CustomerZipCode | Customer Delivery Address - Zip Code | Customer.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
CustomerBillToName | Customer Bill To Name | DerivedCustomerBillToNameForPrinting |
CustomerBillToDeliveryAddressLine1 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 1 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine1ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToDeliveryAddressLine2 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 2 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine2ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToDeliveryAddressLine3 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 3 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine3ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToDeliveryAddressLine4 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 4 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine4ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToCity | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - City | DerivedCustomerBillToMunicipalityForPrinting |
CustomerBillToState | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - State | DerivedCustomerBillToStateProvinceForPrinting |
CustomerBillToZipCode | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Zip Code | DerivedCustomerBillToPostalCodeForPrinting |
TotalTaxAmount | Receivable Invoice Total Tax Amount | DerivedTaxAmount |
TotalOpenAmount | Receivable Invoice Total Open Amount | OpenReceivableInvoiceAmountSigned |
TotalTransactionAmount | Receivable Invoice Total Transaction Amount | SignedTransactionAmount |
EmailFrom | Company Customer Email From | DerivedReceivableInvoiceFromAndReplyToEmail |
OriginalCurrency | Receivable Invoice Original Currency | OriginalCurrency |
ReceivableCompany | Receivable Company | Company |
ReceivableCompanyCurrency | Receivable Company Currency | Company.Currency |
InvoiceBatch | Receivable Invoice Batch Number | BatchNumber |
Status | Receivable Invoice Status | Status |
ProcessLevel | Receivable Invoice Process Level | ReceivableProcessLevel |
ProcessLevelName | Receivable Invoice Process Level Name | ReceivableProcessLevel.Name |
Affiliate | Company Customer Affiliate | DerivedCompanyCustomerAffiliate |
Description | Receivable Invoice Description | Description |
ParallelReference | Receivable Invoice Parallel Reference | ParallelReference |
EWayBillNumber | Receivable Invoice E Way Bill Number | EWayBillNumber |
VATRegistrationNumber | Customer Order VAT Registration Number | DerivedCustomerOrderVATRegistrationNumber |
GlobalLedgerDate | Receivable Invoice Global Ledger Date | GeneralLedgerDate |
TermsCode | Receivable Invoice Terms Code | TermsCode |
TermsCodeDescription1 | Receivable Invoice Terms Code Description 1 | TermsCode.Description.Desc[1] |
TermsCodeDescription2 | Receivable Invoice Terms Code Description 2 | TermsCode.Description.Desc[2] |
CreditDebitMemoReason | Receivable Invoice Credit/Debit Memo Reason | CreditDebitMemoReason |
CreditDebitMemoReasonDescription | Receivable Invoice Credit/Debit Memo Reason Description | CreditDebitMemoReason.Description |
InvoiceTypeCode | Receivable Invoice Type Code | InvoiceTypeCode |
InvoiceTypeCodeDescription | Receivable Invoice Type Code Description | InvoiceTypeCode.Description |
RegimeCode | Receivable Invoice Regime Code | RegimeCode |
FirstDueDate | Receivable Invoice First Due Date | FirstDueDate |
DiscountDate | Receivable Invoice Discount Date | DiscountDate |
DiscountAmount | Receivable Invoice Discount Amount | DiscountAmount |
DiscountPercent | Receivable Invoice Discount Percent | DiscountPercent |
SalesRepresentative | Receivable Invoice Sales Representative | SalesRepresentative |
SalesRepresentativeName | Receivable Invoice Sales Representative Name | SalesRepresentative.Name |
PaymentCode | Receivable Invoice Payment Code | BankTransactionCode |
PaymentCodeDescription | Receivable Invoice Payment Code Description | BankTransactionCode.Description |
TaxExempt | Receivable Invoice Tax Exempt | TaxExempt |
CertificationNumber | Receivable Invoice Certification Number | CertificationNumber |
CertificationDate | Receivable Invoice Certification Date | CertificationDate |
SummarizeDetail | Receivable Invoice Summarize Detail | SummarizeDetail |
LatePaymentCharge | Receivable Invoice Late Payment Charge | LatePaymentCharge |
ReceivableProcessLevelAddressLine1 | Receivable Process Level Address - Line 1 | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
ReceivableProcessLevelAddressLine2 | Receivable Process Level Address - Line 2 | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
ReceivableProcessLevelAddressLine3 | Receivable Process Level Address - Line 3 | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
ReceivableProcessLevelAddressLine4 | Receivable Process Level Address - Line 4 | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
ReceivableProcessLevelCity | Receivable Process Level City | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.Municipality |
ReceivableProcessLevelState | Receivable Process Level State | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
ReceivableProcessLevelZipCode | Receivable Process Level Zip Code | ReceivableProcessLevel.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
CustomerContact | Customer Contact | Customer.Contact |
CustomerContactTitle | Customer Contact Title | Customer.ContactTitle |
CustomerCustomerReference | Customer Reference | Customer.CustomerReference |
CustomerCustomerReference2 | Customer Reference2 | Customer.CustomerReference2 |
CustomerElectronicGovernmentID | Customer Electronic Government ID | Customer.ElectronicGovernmentID |
CustomerLegalName | Customer Legal Name | Customer.LegalName |
CustomerSocialNetworkID2 | Customer Social Network ID2 | Customer.SocialNetworkID2 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID3 | Customer Social Network ID3 | Customer.SocialNetworkID3 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID4 | Customer Social Network ID4 | Customer.SocialNetworkID4 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID5 | Customer Social Network ID5 | Customer.SocialNetworkID5 |
CustomerTaxID | Customer Tax ID | Customer.TaxID |
CustomerTaxIdentificationType | Customer TaxIdentification Type | Customer.TaxIdentificationType |
CustomerTaxRegistrationType | Customer Tax Registration Type | Customer.TaxRegistrationType |
CustomerTwitterID | Customer Twitter ID | Customer.TwitterID |
CustomerURLAddress | Customer URL Address | Customer.URLAddress |
CustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Customer VAT Registration Country | Customer.VATRegistrationCountry |
CompanyCustomerAlternateEDINumber | Company Customer Alternate EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDINumber |
CompanyCustomerAlternateEDIType | Company Customer Alternate EDI Type | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDIType |
CompanyCustomerContact | Company Customer Contact | CompanyCustomerRel.Contact |
CompanyCustomerCreditAnalyst | Company Customer Credit Analyst | CompanyCustomerRel.CreditAnalyst |
CompanyCustomerCustomerMajorClass | Company Customer Major Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMajorClass |
CompanyCustomerCustomerMinorClass | Company Customer Minor Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMinorClass |
CompanyCustomerEDINumber | Company Customer EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.EDINumber |
CompanyCustomerStartDate | Company Customer Start Date | CompanyCustomerRel.StartDate |
CompanyCustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Company Customer VAT Registration Country | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationCountry |
CustomerBillTo | Receivable Invoice Customer Bill To | CustomerBillTo |
CustomerOrder | Receivable Invoice Customer Order | CustomerOrder |
ForeignEconomicRegulatoryCode | Receivable Invoice Foreign Economic Regulatory Code | ForeignEconomicRegulatoryCode |
TransactionUserField1 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 1 | TransactionUserField1 |
TransactionUserField2 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 2 | TransactionUserField2 |
TransactionUserField3 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 3 | TransactionUserField3 |
TransactionUserField4 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 4 | TransactionUserField4 |
TransactionUserField5 | Receivable Invoice Transaction User Field 5 | TransactionUserField5 |
VoucherReferenceNumber | Receivable Invoice Voucher Reference Number | VoucherReferenceNumber |
Business Class: ReceivableInvoiceDetail
List: ReceivableInvoiceDetailListForIDM
Path: /ARInvoice/InvoiceDetails/Details
XML field | Description | FSM field |
DetailNumber | Receivable Invoice Detail Number | ReceivableInvoiceDetail.PaymentSeq |
Description | Receivable Invoice Detail Description | Description |
ItemReference | Receivable Invoice Detail Item Reference | ItemReference |
TransactionAmount | Receivable Invoice Detail Transaction Amount | TransientSignedTransactionAmount |
OpenAmount | Receivable Invoice Detail Open Amount | TransientSignedOpenAmount |
DetailType | Receivable Invoice Detail Type | ReceivableInvoiceDetail.ReceivableInvoiceDetailType |
Transaction | Receivable Invoice Detail Transaction Number | ReceivableInvoiceDetail.Invoice |
DueDate | Receivable Invoice Detail Due Date | DueDate |
HSNSACCode | Receivable Invoice Detail HSNSAC Code | HSNSACCode |
DiscountAmount | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount Amount | DerivedDiscount1Amount |
DiscountDate | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount Date | DiscountDate.DiscDate[1] |
Discount2Amount | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount2 Amount | DerivedDiscount2Amount |
Discount2Date | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount2 Date | DiscountDate.DiscDate[2] |
Discount3Amount | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount3 Amount | DerivedDiscount3Amount |
Discount3Date | Receivable Invoice Detail Discount3 Date | DiscountDate.DiscDate[3] |
CalculatedDiscount | Receivable Invoice Detail Calculated Discount | DerivedDiscountAmount |
ItemUser1 | Receivable Invoice Detail Item User1 | ItemUser1 |
LastStatementDate | Receivable Invoice Detail Last Statement Date | LastStatementDate |
Sort1 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort1 | Sort1 |
Sort2 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort2 | Sort2 |
Sort3 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort3 | Sort3 |
Sort4 | Receivable Invoice Detail Sort4 | Sort4 |