Finance charge a
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your payment request notice - finance charge a IDM template.
Business class: Company Customer
List: CompanyCustomerForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
HeaderTransactionDate | Header Transaction Date | DerivedTransactionDate |
HeaderCustomer | Header Customer | Customer |
HeaderCustomerName | Header Customer Name | Customer.Name |
HeaderCompanyName | Header Company Name | Company.Name |
EmailFrom | Email From | PaymentRequestNoticeFromAndReplyToEmail |
CustomerContact | Header Customer Contact | Customer.Contact |
CustomerContactTitle | Header Customer Contact Title | Customer.ContactTitle |
CustomerCustomerReference | Header Customer Reference | Customer.CustomerReference |
CustomerCustomerReference2 | Header Customer Reference2 | Customer.CustomerReference2 |
CustomerElectronicGovernmentID | Header Customer Electronic Government ID | Customer.ElectronicGovernmentID |
CustomerLegalName | Header Customer Legal Name | Customer.LegalName |
CustomerSocialNetworkID2 | Header Customer Social Network ID2 | Customer.SocialNetworkID2 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID3 | Header Customer Social Network ID3 | Customer.SocialNetworkID3 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID4 | Header Customer Social Network ID4 | Customer.SocialNetworkID4 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID5 | Header Customer Social Network ID5 | Customer.SocialNetworkID5 |
CustomerTaxID | Header Customer Tax ID | Customer.TaxID |
CustomerTaxIdentificationType | Header Customer TaxIdentification Type | Customer.TaxIdentificationType |
CustomerTaxRegistrationType | Header Customer Tax Registration Type | Customer.TaxRegistrationType |
CustomerTwitterID | Header Customer Twitter ID | Customer.TwitterID |
CustomerURLAddress | Header Customer URL Address | Customer.URLAddress |
CustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Header Customer VAT Registration Country | Customer.VATRegistrationCountry |
CustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Header Customer VAT Registration Number | Customer.VATRegistrationNumber |
AlternateEDINumber | Header Company Customer Alternate EDI Number | AlternateEDINumber |
AlternateEDIType | Header Company Customer Alternate EDI Type | AlternateEDIType |
Contact | Header Company Customer Contact | Contact |
CreditAnalyst | Header Company Customer Credit Analyst | CreditAnalyst |
CustomerMajorClass | Header Company Customer Major Class | CustomerMajorClass |
CustomerMinorClass | Header Company Customer Minor Class | CustomerMinorClass |
EDINumber | Header Company Customer EDI Number | EDINumber |
StartDate | Header Company Customer Start Date | StartDate |
VATRegistrationCountry | Header Company Customer VAT Registration Country | VATRegistrationCountry |
VATRegistrationNumber | Header Company Customer VAT Registration Number | VATRegistrationNumber |
Business Class: ReceivablePaymentNoticeDetail
List: DetailFinanceChargeHeaderForIDM
Path: /PaymentRequestNotice/FinanceChargesInterestRateOverDateRange/FinanceChargeInterestRateOverDateRange
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Company | Company Number | Company |
CompanyName | Company Name | Company.Name |
CompanyAddress1 | Company Address Line 1 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
CompanyAddress2 | Company Address Line 2 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
CompanyAddress3 | Company Address Line 3 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
CompanyAddress4 | Company Address Line 4 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
CompanyAddressCity | Company Address - City | Company.PostalAddress.Municipality |
CompanyAddressState | Company Address - State | Company.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
CompanyAddressPostalCode | Company Address - PostalCode | Company.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
CompanyAddressCountry | Company Address - Country | Company.PostalAddress.Country |
Customer | Customer Number | ReceivablePaymentNoticeDetail.Customer |
BillToName | Bill To Name | DerivedCustBillToName |
BillToAddress1 | Bill To Address Line 1 | DerivedCustBillToAddrLine1 |
BillToAddress2 | Bill To Address Line 2 | DerivedCustBillToAddrLine2 |
BillToAddress3 | Bill To Address Line 3 | DerivedCustBillToAddrLine3 |
BillToAddress4 | Bill To Address Line 4 | DerivedCustBillToAddrLine4 |
BillToAddressCity | Bill To Address - City | DerivedCustBillToCity |
BillToAddressState | Bill To Address - State | DerivedCustBillToState |
BillToAddressPostalCode | Bill To Address - PostalCode | DerivedCustBillToPostalCode |
BillToAddressCountry | Bill To Address - Country | DerivedCustBillToCountry |
NoticeNumber | Notice Number/ Invoice Number | ReceivablePaymentNoticeDetail.NoticeNbr |
InvoiceDate | Invoice Date | Date |
Currency | Currency | Currency |
FinanceChargeTotal | Finance Charge Total | DerivedDetailFinanceTotal |
FinanceChargeTextCode | Finance Charge Text Code | DerivedFinanceChargeLanguageText |
Business Class: ReceivablePaymentNoticeDetail
List: FixedInterestOverDateRangeDetailFinanceCharge
Path: FinanceChargeTransactionsA/FinanceChargeTransactionA
XML field | Description | FSM field |
TransactionNumber | Transaction Number | NoticeVars.NoticeVar[1] |
TransactionAmount | Transaction Amount | Amounts.Amount[1] |
FinanceAmount | Finance Amount | Amounts.Amount[2] |
Description | Transaction Description | Description |
TransactionDate | Transaction Date | DerivedTransDate |
DueDate | Due Date | DerivedDueDate |
DaysPastPaidLate | Days Past Paid Late | DerivedDaysPastPaidLate |