Billing invoice
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your billing invoice IDM template.
Business Class: BillingInvoice
List: BillingInvoicePrintListForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Company | Company | Company |
CompanyName | Company Name | Company.Name |
CompanyAddress1 | Company Address Line 1 | Company.CompanyAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
CompanyAddress2 | Company Address Line 2 | Company.CompanyAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
CompanyAddress3 | Company Address Line 3 | Company.CompanyAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
CompanyAddress4 | Company Address Line 4 | Company.CompanyAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
CompanyMunicipality | Company Municipality | Company.CompanyAddress.Municipality |
CompanyState | Company State | Company.CompanyAddress.StateProvince.Name |
CompanyPostalCode | Company Postal Code | Company.CompanyAddress.PostalCode |
CompanyCounty | Company County | Company.CompanyAddress.County |
CompanyRegion | Company Region | Company.CompanyAddress.Region |
CompanyCountry | Company Country Name | Company.CompanyAddress.Country.Name |
InvoiceNumber | Invoice Number | DerivedBillingInvoiceToPrint |
ConditionalInvoiceNumber | Conditional Invoice Number | ConditionalInvoiceNumber |
RemitToName | Remit To Name | DerivedRemitToName |
RemitToAddress1 | Remit To Address Line 1 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine1 |
RemitToAddress2 | Remit To Address Line 2 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine2 |
RemitToAddress3 | Remit To Address Line 3 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine3 |
RemitToAddress4 | Remit To Address Line 4 | DerivedRemitToAddressLine4 |
RemitToMunicipality | Remit To Municipality | DerivedRemitToMunicipality |
RemitToPostalCode | Remit To Postal Code | DerivedRemitToPostalCode |
RemitToCounty | Remit To County | DerivedRemitToCounty |
RemitToRegion | Remit To Region | DerivedRemitToRegion |
RemitToState | Remit To State | DerivedRemitToStateProvinceName |
RemitToCountry | Remit To Country | DerivedRemitToCountryName |
ElectronicPaymentAccount | Electronic Payment Account | ElectronicPaymentAccount |
ElectronicPaymentExpirationDate | Electronic Payment Expiration Date | ElectronicPaymentExpirationDate |
BillToName | Bill To Name | DerivedBillToName |
BillToAddress1 | Bill To Address Line 1 | DerivedBillToAdd1 |
BillToAddress2 | Bill To Address Line 2 | DerivedBillToAdd2 |
BillToAddress3 | Bill To Address Line 3 | DerivedBillToAdd3 |
BillToAddress4 | Bill To Address Line 4 | DerivedBillToAdd4 |
BillToMunicipality | Bill To Municipality | DerivedBillToMunicipality |
BillToPostalCode | Bill To Postal Code | DerivedBillToPostalCode |
BillToCounty | Bill To County | DerivedBillToCounty |
BillToRegion | Bill To Region | DerivedBillToRegion |
BillToState | Bill To State | DerivedBillToState |
BillToCountry | Bill To Country | DerivedBillToCountry |
Customer | Customer | Customer |
CustomerName | Customer Name | Customer.Name |
CustomerShipTo | Customer Ship To | CustomerShipTo |
ShipToName | Ship To Name | CustomerShipTo.Name |
ShipToAddress1 | Ship To Address Line 1 | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
ShipToAddress2 | Ship To Address Line 2 | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
ShipToAddress3 | Ship To Address Line 3 | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
ShipToAddress4 | Ship To Address Line 4 | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
ShipToMunicipality | Ship To Municipality | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.Municipality |
ShipToPostalCode | Ship To Postal Code | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.PostalCode |
ShipToCounty | Ship To County | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.County |
ShipToRegion | Ship To Region | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.Region |
ShipToState | Ship To State | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.StateProvince.Name |
ShipToCountry | Ship To Country | CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.Country.Name |
CustomerOrder | Customer Order | CustomerOrder |
CustomerOrderDate | Customer Order Date | CustomerOrder.OrderDate |
CustomerPurchaseOrder | Customer Purchase Order | CustomerPurchaseOrder |
Carrier | Carrier | CustomerOrder.Carrier |
CustomerOrderVendor | Customer Order Vendor | CustomerOrder.Carrier.VendorName |
ShippingMethod | Shippping Method | CustomerOrder.ShippingMethod.Description |
FreightTerms | Freight Terms | FreightCode.BillingFreightDescription |
TransportationId | Transportation ID | CustomerOrder.TransactionId |
SalesRepresentative | Sales Representative | SalesRepresentative.Name |
Currency | Currency | Currency |
LetterOfCredit | Letter Of Credit | LetterOfCredit |
Reference | Reference | Reference |
DerivedVatID | VAT ID | DerivedVatID |
BillingElectronicPaymentType | Billing Electronic Payment Type | BillingElectronicPaymentType |
FreightCharge | Freight Charge | FreightCharge.TransactionAmount |
GrossAmount | Gross Amount | GrossAmount |
InvoiceDiscount | Invoice Discount | EnteredDiscount.TransactionAmount |
InvoiceNetAmount | Invoice Net Amount | InvoiceNetAmount |
Tax | Total Tax | TaxTotal.TransactionAmount |
DownPayment | Down Payment | CashInAdvance.TransactionAmount |
InvoiceNetDue | Invoice Net Due | InvoiceNetDue |
DownpaymentMessage | Down Payment Message | DerivedPrintDownpaymentMessage |
TermsPaidMessage | Terms Paid Message | DerivedTermsPaidMessage |
InvoiceTotal | Invoice Total | InvoiceTotal |
DerivedDueDateIDM | Derived Due Date IDM | DerivedDueDateIDM |
Terms | Terms | DerivedTermsCodeDescription |
ReasonCode | Reason Code | ReasonCode.Description |
TotalAddOnCharge | Total Add On Charge | TotalAddOnBaseAmount |
CompanyVatRegistrationCountry | Company VAT Registration Country | DerivedTaxVatRegistrationCountry |
CompanyVatRegistrationNumber | VAT Registration Number | DerivedTaxVatRegistrationNumber |
DerivedCustomerVatRegistrationCountry | Customer VAT Registration Country | DerivedCustomerVatRegistrationCountry |
CustomerVatRegistrationNumber | Customer VAT Registration Number | DerivedCustomerVatRegistrationNumber |
ParallelReference | Parallel Reference | ParallelReference |
Business Class: BillingInvoiceLine
List: BillingInvoiceLineListForIDM
Path: /BillingInvoice/Lines/Line
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
Description | Item Description | Description |
Quantity | Item Quantity | Quantity |
SellingUnitOfMeasure | Item UOM | SellingUnitOfMeasure |
DerivedEnteredPriceIDM | Entered Price | DerivedEnteredPriceIDM |
ExtentedAmount | Extended Amount | ExtentedAmount |
TaxCode | Tax Code | TaxCode |
TaxCodeDescription | Tax Code Description | TaxCode.Description |
LineDiscount | Line Total Discount | TotalDiscount |
LineAddOnDiscount | Add-On Discount | EnteredDiscount |
LineTaxAmount | Line Tax Total | TaxTotal |
HSNSACCode | HSN or SAC Code | HSNSACCode |
Valid only when TaxCode is a Tax Table | ||
TaxCode1 | TaxTable Tax Code 1 | TaxCode1 |
TaxRate1 | TaxTable Tax Rate 1 | TaxRate1 |
TaxAmount1 | TaxTable Tax Amount 1 | TaxAmount1 |
TaxCode2 | TaxTable Tax Code 2 | TaxCode2 |
TaxRate2 | TaxTable Tax Rate 2 | TaxRate2 |
TaxAmount2 | TaxTable Tax Amount 2 | TaxAmount2 |
TaxCode3 | TaxTable Tax Code 3 | TaxCode3 |
TaxRate3 | TaxTable Tax Rate 3 | TaxRate3 |
TaxAmount3 | TaxTable Tax Amount 3 | TaxAmount3 |
TaxCode4 | TaxTable Tax Code 4 | TaxCode4 |
TaxRate4 | TaxTable Tax Rate 4 | TaxRate4 |
TaxAmount4 | TaxTable Tax Amount 4 | TaxAmount4 |
TaxCode5 | TaxTable Tax Code 5 | TaxCode5 |
TaxRate5 | TaxTable Tax Rate 5 | TaxRate5 |
TaxAmount5 | TaxTable Tax Amount 5 | TaxAmount5 |
TaxCode6 | TaxTable Tax Code 6 | TaxCode6 |
TaxRate6 | TaxTable Tax Rate 6 | TaxRate6 |
TaxAmount6 | TaxTable Tax Amount 6 | TaxAmount6 |
TaxCode7 | TaxTable Tax Code 7 | TaxCode7 |
TaxRate7 | TaxTable Tax Rate 7 | TaxRate7 |
TaxAmount7 | TaxTable Tax Amount 7 | TaxAmount7 |
TaxCode8 | TaxTable Tax Code 8 | TaxCode8 |
TaxRate8 | TaxTable Tax Rate 8 | TaxRate8 |
TaxAmount8 | TaxTable Tax Amount 8 | TaxAmount8 |
Business Class: BillingInvoiceComments
List: BillingInvoiceCommentsForIDM
Path: /LineComments/LineComment
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Comment | Line Comment | DerivedComment |
Business Class: BillingInvoiceAddOnCharge
List: BillingInvoiceAddOnChargeListForIDM
Path: LineAddOnCharge/AddOnChage
XML field | Description | FSM field |
AddOnCharge | Line Add On Charge | Miscellaneous.Misc |
Description | Line Add On Charge Description | DerivedAddOnChargesDesc |
Amount | Line Add On Charge Amount | BillingCurrencyAddOnChargeAmount |
Business Class: BillingInvoiceComments
List: BillingInvoiceCommentsForIDM
Path: /BillingInvoice/HeaderComments/HeaderComment
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Comment | Header Comment | DerivedComment |
Business Class: BillingInvoiceAddOnCharge
List: BillingInvoiceAddOnChargeListForIDM
Path: /BillingInvoice/HeaderAddOnCharge/AddOnCharge
XML field | Description | FSM field |
AddOnCharge | Header Add On Charge | Miscellaneous.Misc |
Description | Header Add On Charge Description | DerivedAddOnChargesDesc |
Amount | Header Add On Charge Amount | BillingCurrencyAddOnChargeAmount |