By shipment bin lot serial
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your warehouse pick list by shipment bin lot serial IDM template.
If you select Requisition as the shipment's document source, the section /WHPLPByShipmentDocumentLine/RequisitionDetails/RequisitionDetail is displayed in the output document. If you select Customer Order, the section /WHPLPByShipmentDocumentLine/OrderDetails/OrderDetail is displayed. Only one of these sections are printed on each document generated by IDM and the template layout adjusts automatically.
Both sections can be mapped in the template to handle shipments that came from both Requisitions and Customer Order.
Business Class: WarehousePickListPrintIDM
List: WarehousePickListPrintIDMList
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Company | Company | Company |
CompanyName | Company Name | Company.Name |
InventoryLocation | Inventory Location | InventoryLocation |
InventoryLocationName | Inventory Location Name | InventoryLocation.Name |
ParameterExpectedShipDate | Expected Ship Date | DerivedExpectedShipDate |
ParameterDocumentSource | Document Source | DerivedDocumentSource |
ParameterPrintOption | Print Option | DerivedPrintOption |
ParameterAllocateDetail | Allocate Detail | DerivedAllocateDetailParameter |
ParameterIncludeCost | Include Cost | DerivedIncludeCostParameter |
ParameterPrintDeliveryData | Print Delivery Data | DerivedPrintDeliveryData |
ParameterAllocationPurpose | Allocation Purpose | DerivedAllocationPurpose |
ParameterForcePreferredBin | Force Preferred Bin | DerivedForcePreferredBin |
ParameterIncludeBackorder | Include Backorder | DerivedIncludeBackorder |
ParameterIncludeKillDetail | Include Kill Detail | DerivedIncludeKillDetail |
ParameterReprintShipment | Reprint Shipment | DerivedReprintShipment |
ParameterReprintBatch | Reprint Batch | DerivedReprintBatch |
ParameterSourceDocument1 | Source Document 1 | DerivedSourceDocument1 |
ParameterSourceDocument2 | Source Document 2 | DerivedSourceDocument2 |
ParameterSourceDocument3 | Source Document 3 | DerivedSourceDocument3 |
ParameterSourceDocument4 | Source Document 4 | DerivedSourceDocument4 |
ParameterSourceDocument5 | Source Document 5 | DerivedSourceDocument5 |
ParameterSourceDocument6 | Source Document 6 | DerivedSourceDocument6 |
ParameterSourceDocument7 | Source Document 7 | DerivedSourceDocument7 |
ParameterSourceDocument8 | Source Document 8 | DerivedSourceDocument8 |
ParameterSourceDocument9 | Source Document 9 | DerivedSourceDocument9 |
ParameterSourceDocument10 | Source Document 10 | DerivedSourceDocument10 |
ParameterSourceDocument11 | Source Document 11 | DerivedSourceDocument11 |
ParameterSourceDocument12 | Source Document 12 | DerivedSourceDocument12 |
ParameterSourceDocuments | Source Documents | DerivedSourceDocuments |
ParameterRequestingLocation | Requesting Location | DerivedRequestingLocation |
ParameterItem | Item | DerivedItem |
ParameterShipTo | Ship To | DerivedShipTo |
ParameterSkipInsufficientDetails | Skip Insufficient Details | DerivedSkipInsufficientDetails |
ParameterCustomer | Customer | DerivedCustomer |
ParameterProcessType | Process Type | DerivedProcessType |
ParameterCarrierFilter | Carrier Filter | DerivedCarrierFilter |
ParameterRouteDay | Route Day | DerivedRouteDay |
ParameterRouteFilter | Route Filter | DerivedRouteFilter |
ParameterRouteStopFilter | Route Stop Filter | DerivedRouteStopFilter |
ParameterFromAllocationPriority | From Allocation Priority | DerivedFromAllocationPriority |
ParameterToAllocationPriority | To Allocation Priority | DerivedToAllocationPriority |
ParameterPrintRequester | Print Requester | DerivedPrintRequester |
ParameterIDMPrinter | IDM Printer | DerivedIDMPrinter |
CurrentDate | Current Date | DerivedCurrentDate |
CurrentTime | Current Time | DerivedIDMCurrentTime |
ShipmentWarehouseBatch | Shipment Warehouse Batch | WarehouseShipment.WarehouseBatch |
WarehouseShipment | Warehouse Shipment | WarehouseShipment |
InventoryLocation | Inventory Location | InventoryLocation |
InventoryLocationName | Inventory Location Name | InventoryLocation.Name |
ShipmentDocumentNumber | Shipment Document Number | WarehouseShipment.WarehouseDemand.DemandDocument |
StatusText | Status Text | DerivedStatusText |
Carrier | Carrier | DerivedCarrier |
ShipmentDestination | Shipment Destination | WarehouseShipment.WarehouseDemand.Destination |
ShipmentShippingMethod | Shipment Shipping Method | WarehouseShipment.ShippingMethod |
ShipmentRoute | Shipment Route | WarehouseShipment.RouteHeader.Route |
ShipmentRouteStop | Shipment Route Stop | WarehouseShipment.RouteStop |
ShipmentFreightDescription | Shipment Freight Description | WarehouseShipment.FreightCode.BillingFreightDescription |
ShipmentEstimatedDeliveryDate | Shipment Estimated Delivery Date | WarehouseShipment.EstimatedDeliveryDate |
OptionTwoCubic | Shipment Cubic Total | DerivedOption1CubicTotal |
OptionTwoWeight | Shipment Weight Total | DerivedOption1WeightTotal |
TotalPrintedQuantity | Total Printed Quantity | DerivedTotalPrintedQuantity |
NoBackOrdersFlag | No Backorders Flag | DerivedNoBackordersFlag |
NoKilledItemsFlag | No Killed Items Flag | DerivedNoKilledItemsFlag |
HasLinesWithSpecialHandling | Warehouse Shipment Lines with Special Handling Flag | DerivedPickListHasLinesSpecialHandling |
Business Class: WarehousePickListPrintIDM
List: CustomerOrderListForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
BillToName | Bill To Name | CustomerOrder.BillName |
BillToAddress1 | Customer Bill To Address 1 | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
BillToAddress2 | Customer Bill To Address 2 | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
BillToAddress3 | Customer Bill To Address 3 | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
BillToAddress4 | Customer Bill To Address 4 | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
BillToAddressCity | Customer Bill To Address City | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.Municipality |
BillToAddressState | Customer Bill To Address State | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.StateProvince |
BillToAddressPostalCode | Customer Bill To Address Postal Code | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.StateProvince |
BillingCountry | Customer Billing Country | CustomerOrder.BillPostalAddress.Country |
ShipToName | Customer Ship To Name | CustomerOrder.ShipToName |
ShipToAddress1 | Customer Ship To Address 1 | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
ShipToAddress2 | Customer Ship To Address 2 | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
ShipToAddress3 | Customer Ship To Address 3 | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
ShipToAddress4 | Customer Ship To Address 4 | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
ShipToAddressCity | Customer Ship To Address City | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.Municipality |
ShipToAddressState | Customer Ship To Address State | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.StateProvince |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | Customer Ship To Address Postal Code | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.PostalCode |
ShipToCountry | Customer Ship To Country | CustomerOrder.ShipPostalAddress.Country |
Business Class: WarehousePickListPrintIDM
List: RequisitionListForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
RequestingLocation | Requesting Location | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation |
RequestingLocationName | Requesting Location Name | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.Name |
RequestingAddress1 | Requesting Address 1 | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
RequestingAddress2 | Requesting Address 2 | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
RequestingAddress3 | Requesting Address 3 | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
RequestingAddress4 | Requesting Address 4 | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
RequestingAddressCity | Requesting Address City | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.Municipality |
RequestingAddressState | Requesting Address State | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
RequestingAddressPostalCode | Requesting Address Postal Code | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
RequestingAddressCountry | Requesting Address Country | RequisitionRel.RequestingLocation.PostalAddress.Country |
Business Class: RequisitionComment
List: RequisitionCommentsForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
RequisitionComment | Requisition Comment | CommentText |
Business Class: WarehouseShipmentLineComponent
List: WarehouseShipmentLineComponentIDMList
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
ItemDescription2 | Item Description 2 | Item.Description2 |
Quantity | Quantity | DerivedIDMPickListQuantity |
ComponentUOM | Component Item UOM | Item.StockUOM |
Business Class: WarehousePickListPrintLine
List: WarehousePickListPrintShipmentLineForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | WarehouseShipmentLine.Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | WarehouseShipmentLine.Description |
PrintedQuantity | Line Quantity | WarehouseShipmentLine.OpenQuantity |
InsufficientDetailFlag | Insufficient Detail Flag | InsufficientDetailFlag |
ItemStockUOM | Item Stock UOM | WarehouseShipmentLine.TransactionUOM |
HSNSACCode | HSN or SAC Code | WarehouseShipmentLine.HSNSACCode |
HasLineComponent | Has Line Component | DerivedLineComponentCheck |
HasLineItemComment | Has Line Item Comment | DerivedItemCommentCheck |
HasSpecialHandling | Has Special Handling | DerivedWarehouseShipmentLineHasSpecialHandling |
Business Class: ItemComment
List: ItemCommentIDMList
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
Comment | Item Comment | Comment |
Business Class: WarehousePickListPrintDetail
List: IDMDetails
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Bin | Bin | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Bin |
Lot | Lot | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Lot |
Sublot | Sublot | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Sublot |
SerialNumber | Serial Number | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Serial |
Item | Item | DerivedItem |
ItemDescription | Item Description | DerivedItemDescription |
PrintedQuantity | Line Quantity | DetailedQuantity |
UnitOfMeasure | Unit Of Measure | DetailedUOM |
LotExpirationDate | Lot Expiration Date | WarehouseShipmentLineDetail.Lot.LotExpirationDate |
HasLineItemComment | Has Line Item Comment | DerivedItemCommentCheck |
HasSpecialHandling | Has Special Handling | DerivedPrintDetailHasSpecialHandling |
Business Class: RequisitionLine
List: WarehousePickListPrintPrefCardForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
PatientName | Patient Name | DerivedPatientNameForIDMPickList |
ProcedureDate | Procedure Date | DerivedProcedureDate |
ProcedureTime | Procedure Time | DerivedProcedureTime |
ProcedureRoom | Procedure Room | DerivedProcedureRoom |
Procedures | Procedures | DerivedPreferenceCardProcedures |
PreferenceCardAlias | Preference Card Alias | DerivedPreferenceCardAlias |
PreferenceCardService | Preference Card Service | DerivedPreferenceCardService |
ProcedureCase | Procedure Case | DerivedProcedureCase |
PreferenceCardProviders | Surgeon or Physician | DerivedPreferenceCardProviders |
OpenQuantity | Open Quantity | DerivedOpenQuantity |
HoldQuantity | Hold Quantity | DerivedHoldQuantity |
TotalQuantity | Total Quantity | DerivedTotalQuantity |
Business Class: ItemComment
List: ItemCommentIDMList
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
Comment | Item Comment | Comment |
Business Class: WarehouseShipmentLine
List: WarehouseShipmentLineWithSpecialHandlingForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
LineNumber | Line Number | WarehouseShipmentLine |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
SpecialHandlingInstructions | Special Handling Instructions | DerivedSpecialHandlingInstructions |
HandlingTime | Handling Time | DerivedHandlingTimeInMinutes |
HasItemComponent | Has Item Components | DerivedHasItemComponentSpecialHandling |
Business Class: WarehouseShipmentLineComponent
List: LineComponentSpecialHandlingIDMList
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
SpecialHandlingInstructions | Special Handling Instructions | Item.SpecialHandlingInstructions |
HandlingTime | Handling Time | Item.HandlingTimeInMinutes |
Business Class: WarehouseDemandLine
List: BackorderedItemDetailsForIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
LineNumber | LineNumber | WarehouseDemandLine.LineNumber |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
ItemUOM | Item UOM | Item.StockUOM |
BackorderedQuantity | Backordered Quantity | BackorderedQuantity |
Business Class: RequisitionLine
List: RequisitionLineForPickListPrintIDM
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Line | Line | RequisitionLine |
Item | Item | Item |
ItemDescription | Item Description | Item.Description |
UOM | UOM | EnteredUOM |
KilledQuantity | Killed Quantity | KilledQuantity |
Company | Company | FromCompanyLocationBin.FromCompany |
Location | Inventory Location | FromCompanyLocationBin.FromLocation |