IDM configuration files

To enable IDM in FSM, you must configure the idm-configuration.xml file.
This table describes the IDM configuration files:
Configuration XML Description
DOCTYPE_SUPPLY_MANAGEMENT Contains the document types for Supply Management.
DOCTYPE_FINANCIALS Contains the document types for Financials.
DOCTYPE_OTHERS Contains the default and standard document types in FSM.
BCM_SUPPLY_MANAGEMENT Contains the mapping of the Business Context Model for the related information in Supply Management.
BCM_FINANCIALS Contains the mapping of the Business Context Model for the related information in Financials.
BCM_OTHERS Contains the mapping of the Business Context Model for the related information in FSM.
RELATED_DOCRULES Contains the rules in linking of some document types to another document.
CONFIG_VERSION Contains the XML Configuration version.

A configuration file can show these statuses:

  • Imported: The configuration is successfully imported.
  • For Import: The configuration is available for importing.
  • Failed: The configuration is not successfully imported. An error information is available for troubleshooting.