Payment receipt
Business class: ReceivablePayment
List: ReceivablePaymentListForIDM
This table shows the field mapping information of the fields in the ReceivablePayment business class that you can use to build your payment receipt IDM template:
XML field | Description | FSM field |
ReceivableCompany | Receivable Company Number | Company |
ReceivableCompanyName | Receivable Company Name | Company.Name |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine1 | Receivable Company Address - Line 1 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine2 | Receivable Company Address - Line 2 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine3 | Receivable Company Address - Line 3 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
ReceivableCompanyAddressLine4 | Receivable Company Address - Line 4 | Company.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
ReceivableCompanyCity | Receivable Company Address - City | Company.PostalAddress.Municipality |
ReceivableCompanyState | Receivable Company Address - State | Company.PostalAddress.StateProvince |
ReceivableCompanyZipCode | Receivable Company Address - Zip Code | Company.PostalAddress.PostalCode |
ReceivableCompanyPhoneNumber | Receivable Company Phone Number | Company.PhoneNumber |
ReceivableCompanyCurrency | Receivable Company Currency | Company.Currency |
Customer | Customer Number | Customer |
CustomerName | Customer Bill To Name | DerivedCustomerBillToNameForPrinting |
CustomerBillToAddressLine1 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 1 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine1ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToAddressLine2 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 2 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine2ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToAddressLine3 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 3 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine3ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToAddressLine4 | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Line 4 | DerivedCustomerBillToAddressLine4ForPrinting |
CustomerBillToCity | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - City | DerivedCustomerBillToMunicipalityForPrinting |
CustomerBillToState | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - State | DerivedCustomerBillToStateProvinceForPrinting |
CustomerBillToZipCode | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Zip Code | DerivedCustomerBillToPostalCodeForPrinting |
CustomerBillToCountry | Customer Bill To Delivery Address - Country | DerivedCustomerBillToCountryForPrinting |
DepositAmount | Payment Receipt Amount | TransactionAmount |
PaymentNumber | Payment Number | PaymentNumber |
DepositDate | Deposite Date | DepositDate |
OriginalCurrency | OriginalCurrency | OriginalCurrency |
PaymentReferenceNumber | PaymentReferenceNumber | ReferenceNumber |
PrepaymentReferenceNumber | PrepaymentReferenceNumber | ReceivablePrepaymentRel.Invoice |
EmailFrom | From And Reply To Email | DerivedPaymentReceiptFromAndReplyToEmail |
ReceivablePaymentHeader | Receivable Payment Batch Number | ReceivablePaymentHeader |
ReceivablePayment | Receivable Payment Sequence | ReceivablePayment |
PaymentMessage | Payment Message | DerivedMessage |
Status | Status | Status |
DerivedStatus | Derived Status | DerivedStatus |
BankEntity | Bank Entity | BankEntity |
BankAccountNumber | Bank Account Number | BankAccountNumber |
GeneralLedgerDate | General Ledger Date | GeneralLedgerDate |
TypeOfPayment | Type of Payment | TypeOfPayment |
LastApplicationSequence | Last Application Sequence | LastApplicationSequence |
LastRemittanceSequence | Last Remittance Sequence | LastRemittanceSequence |
LastDistributionSequence | Last Distribution Sequence | LastDistributionSequence |
ReceivableProcessLevel | Receivable Process Level | ReceivableProcessLevel |
CancelDate | Cancel Date | CancelDate |
TransferredToCustomer | Transferred to Customer | TransferredToCustomer |
CashCode | Cash Code | CashCode |
ReceivedNotAppliedReceivableGeneralLedgerCode | Received Not Applied Receivable General Ledger Code | ReceivedNotAppliedReceivableGeneralLedgerCode |
CurrencyRate | Currency Rate | CurrencyRate |
BaseAmount | Base Amount | BaseAmount |
BalancingDistributionAmountCompanyCurrency | Balancing Distribution Amount Company Currency | BalancingDistributionAmountCompanyCurrency |
CurrencyRateToCustomerGroupCurrency | Currency Rate to Customer Group Currency | CurrencyRateToCustomerGroupCurrency |
CustomerGroupCurrencyMultiplicationOrDivision | Customer Group Currency Multiplication or Division | CustomerGroupCurrencyMultiplicationOrDivision |
LastStatementDate | Last Statement Date | LastStatementDate |
AppliedAmount | Applied Amount | AppliedAmount |
BaseAppliedAmount | Base Applied Amount | BaseAppliedAmount |
ReferenceType | Reference Type | ReferenceType |
CurrencyDecimalsNumber | Currency Decimals Number | CurrencyDecimalsNumber |
Prepayment | Prepayment | Prepayment |
CreditAppliedAmount | Credit Applied Amount | CreditAppliedAmount |
BaseCreditAppliedAmount | Base Credit Applied Amount | BaseCreditAppliedAmount |
AdjustAmountTransactionCurrency | Adjust Amount Transaction Currency | AdjustAmountTransactionCurrency |
BaseAdjustAmount | Base Adjust Amount | BaseAdjustAmount |
CurrencyMultiplicationOrDivision | Currency Multiplication or Division | CurrencyMultiplicationOrDivision |
TransactionHistoryPeriods | Transaction History Periods | TransactionHistoryPeriods |
LastSelectApplicationSequence | Last Select Application Sequence | LastSelectApplicationSequence |
LastFinanceChargeDate | Last Finance Charge Date | LastFinanceChargeDate |
ReceivableOperator | Receivable Operator | ReceivableOperator |
FinanceDimension2 | Finance Dimension | FinanceDimension2 |
Project | Project | Project |
ProjectContract | Project Contract | ProjectContract |
TransferDate | Transfer Date | TransferDate |
NationalAccountLastStatementDate | National Account Last Statement Date | NationalAccountLastStatementDate |
TransferredFromCustomer | Transferred From Customer | TransferredFromCustomer |
TransferAmountTransactionCurrency | Transfer Amount Transaction Currency | TransferAmountTransactionCurrency |
Origin | Origin | Origin |
ContractRebateGroup | Contract Rebate Group | ContractRebateGroup |
OriginatingInterfaceRun | Originating Interface Run | OriginatingInterfaceRun |
MandateID | Mandate ID | MandateID |
MandateType | Mandate Type | MandateType |
OriginatingICBSettlement | OriginatingI CB Settlement | OriginatingICBSettlement |
BackgroundProcessing | Background Processing | BackgroundProcessing |
ErrorMessage | Error Message | ErrorMessage |
ShipTerm | Ship Term | ShipTerm |
CashDetailState | Cash Detail State | CashDetailState |
EFTPayCreationResult | EFT Pay Creation Result | EFTPayCreationResult |
CashManagementAccount | Cash Management Account | CashManagementAccount |
BankStatement | Bank Statement | BankStatement |
BankStatementLine | Bank Statement Line | BankStatementLine |
CustomerContact | Customer Contact | Customer.Contact |
CustomerContactTitle | Customer Contact Title | Customer.ContactTitle |
CustomerCustomerReference | Customer Reference | Customer.CustomerReference |
CustomerCustomerReference2 | Customer Reference2 | Customer.CustomerReference2 |
CustomerElectronicGovernmentID | Customer Electronic Government ID | Customer.ElectronicGovernmentID |
CustomerLegalName | Customer Legal Name | Customer.LegalName |
CustomerSocialNetworkID2 | Customer Social Network ID2 | Customer.SocialNetworkID2 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID3 | Customer Social Network ID3 | Customer.SocialNetworkID3 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID4 | Customer Social Network ID4 | Customer.SocialNetworkID4 |
CustomerSocialNetworkID5 | Customer Social Network ID5 | Customer.SocialNetworkID5 |
CustomerTaxID | Customer Tax ID | Customer.TaxID |
CustomerTaxIdentificationType | Customer TaxIdentification Type | Customer.TaxIdentificationType |
CustomerTaxRegistrationType | Customer Tax Registration Type | Customer.TaxRegistrationType |
CustomerTwitterID | Customer Twitter ID | Customer.TwitterID |
CustomerURLAddress | Customer URL Address | Customer.URLAddress |
CustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Customer VAT Registration Country | Customer.VATRegistrationCountry |
CustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Customer VAT Registration Number | Customer.VATRegistrationNumber |
CompanyCustomerAlternateEDINumber | Company Customer Alternate EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDINumber |
CompanyCustomerAlternateEDIType | Company Customer Alternate EDI Type | CompanyCustomerRel.AlternateEDIType |
CompanyCustomerContact | Company Customer Contact | CompanyCustomerRel.Contact |
CompanyCustomerCreditAnalyst | Company Customer Credit Analyst | CompanyCustomerRel.CreditAnalyst |
CompanyCustomerCustomerMajorClass | Company Customer Major Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMajorClass |
CompanyCustomerCustomerMinorClass | Company Customer Minor Class | CompanyCustomerRel.CustomerMinorClass |
CompanyCustomerEDINumber | Company Customer EDI Number | CompanyCustomerRel.EDINumber |
CompanyCustomerStartDate | Company Customer Start Date | CompanyCustomerRel.StartDate |
CompanyCustomerVATRegistrationCountry | Company Customer VAT Registration Country | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationCountry |
CompanyCustomerVATRegistrationNumber | Company Customer VAT Registration Number | CompanyCustomerRel.VATRegistrationNumber |
Business class: ReceivablePaymentRemittance
List: ReceivablePaymentRemittanceListForIDM
Path: /PaymentReceipt/RemittanceLines/Line
XML Field | Description | FSM Field |
InvoiceType | Receivable Invoice Type | ReceivableInvoiceType |
Invoice | Receivable Invoice Number | ReceivableInvoice |
RequestedApplicationAmount | Requested Application Amount | AppldAmt |
Status | Receivable Payment Remittance Status | Status |
CashApplicationResult | Cash Application Result | CashApplicationResult |
CashApplicationMessageNumber | Cash Applicaation Message Number | CashApplicationMessageNumber |
CertificationNumber | Certification Number | CertificationNumber |
CertificationDate | Certification Date | CertificationDate |
InvoiceCompany | Receivable Invoice Company | InvoiceCompany |
InvoiceDetail | Receivable Invoice Detail | InvoiceDetail |