Payables payment
These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your payables payment IDM template.
Business class: PaymentOutputFileDetail
List: PaymentFileDetailListForIDMDoc
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Detail | Payment Output File Detail keyfield id | PaymentOutputFileDetail |
PayablesHeader | Payment Output File Header keyfield id | PaymentOutputFileHeader |
PayablesHeaderName | Payment Output File Name | PaymentOutputFileHeader.FileName |
PayablesHeaderCreateDate | Payment Output Create Date | PaymentOutputFileHeader.CreateDate |
PayablesHeaderCashCode | Cash Code Header Level | PaymentOutputFileHeader.CashCode |
PayablesHeaderCashCodeGroup | Cash Code Group | PaymentOutputFileHeader.CashCodeGroup |
PayablesHeaderBankTransactionCode | Bank Transaction Code | PaymentOutputFileHeader.BankTransactionCode |
PayablesHeaderRequisitionType | Requisition Type | PaymentOutputFileHeader.RequisitionType |
PayablesHeaderPayablesProcessGroup | Payables Process Group | PaymentOutputFileHeader.PayablesProcessGroup |
CashCode | Cash Code Detail Level | CashCode |
FinancialInstitution | Financial Institution | CashCode.FinancialInstitution |
FinancialInstitutionDescription | Financial Institution Description | CashCode.FinancialInstitution.Description |
FinancialInstitutionURL | Financial Institution URL | CashCode.FinancialInstitution.FinancialInstitutionURL |
FIBranch | Financial Institution Branch | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch |
FIBranchDescription | Financial Institution Description | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Description |
FIBranchType | Financial Institution Branch Type | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.BranchType |
FIBranchSwift | Financial Institution Branch Swift | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.BranchSwift |
FIBranchIdentifier | Financial Institution Branch Identifier | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.BranchIdentifier |
FIBranchClearingSystemMemberID | Financial Institution Branch Clearing System ID | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.ClearingSystemMemberID |
FIBranchAddress1 | Financial Institution Branch Address Delivery Address Address1 | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
FIBranchAddress2 | Financial Institution Branch Address Delivery Address Address2 | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
FIBranchAddress3 | Financial Institution Branch Address Delivery Address Address3 | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
FIBranchAddress4 | Financial Institution Branch Address Delivery Address Address4 | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
FIBranchMunicipality | Financial Institution Branch Municipality | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.Municipality |
FIBranchStateProvince | Financial Institution Branch Address Province | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.StateProvince |
FIBranchPostalCode | Financial Institution Branch Address Code | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.PostalCode |
FIBranchCountry | Financial Institution Branch Country | CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.Country |
BankAccountCurrency | Bank Account Currency | BankAccountCurrency |
BankCountry | Bank Country | BankCountry |
BankClientIdentifier | Bank Client Identifier | BankClientIdentifier |
CashLedgerTransactionIdentifier | Cash Ledger Transaction Identifier | CashLedgerTransactionIdentifier |
TransactionNumber | Transaction Number | TransactionNumber |
GeneralLedgerSourceCode | General Ledger Source Code | GeneralLedgerSourceCode |
BankTransactionCode | Bank Transaction Code | BankTransactionCode |
EffectiveDate | Effective Date | EffectiveDate |
PaymentDate | Payment Date | PaymentDate |
PaymentAmount | Payment Amount | PaymentAmount |
PaymentAmountInWords | Payment Amount in Words | PaymentAmountInWords |
ApprovalCostCenter | Approval Center | ApprovalCostCenter |
PaidName | Paid Name | PaidName |
MailingName | Mailing Name | MailingName |
PayeePostalAddress1 | Payee Postal Address Line 1 | PayeePostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
PayeePostalAddress2 | Payee Postal Address Line 2 | PayeePostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
PayeePostalAddress3 | Payee Postal Address Line 3 | PayeePostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
PayeePostalAddress4 | Payee Postal Address Line 4 | PayeePostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
PayeeMunicipality | Payee Municipality | PayeePostalAddress.Municipality |
PayeeStateProvince | Payee State Province | PayeePostalAddress.StateProvince |
PayeePostalCode | Payee Postal Code | PayeePostalAddress.PostalCode |
PayeePostalCountry | Payee Country | PayeePostalAddress.Country |
PayeeCountryName | Payee Country Name | PayeePostalAddress.Country.Name |
ElectronicPaymentCode | Electronic Payment Code | ElectronicPaymentCode |
FirstPartyReference | First Party Reference | FirstPartyReference |
SecondPartyReference | Second Party Reference | SecondPartyReference |
PayorName | Payor Name | PayorName |
PayorPostalAddress1 | Payor Address Line 1 | PayorPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1 |
PayorPostalAddress2 | Payor Address Line 2 | PayorPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2 |
PayorPostalAddress3 | Payor Address Line 3 | PayorPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3 |
PayorPostalAddress4 | Payor Address Line 4 | PayorPostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4 |
PayorMunicipality | Payor Municipality | PayorPostalAddress.Municipality |
PayorStateProvince | Payor State Province | PayorPostalAddress.StateProvince |
PayorPostalCode | Payor Postal Code | PayorPostalAddress.PostalCode |
PayorPostalCountry | Payor Country | PayorPostalAddress.Country |
PayorCountryName | Payor Country Name | PayorPostalAddress.Country.Name |
CrossBorderIdentifier | Cross Border Identifier | CrossBorderIdentifier |
SwiftID | Swift ID | SwiftID |
InternationalBankAccountNumber | International Bank Account Number | InternationalBankAccountNumber |
ChargeCode | Charge Code | ChargeCode |
BankToBankInformation | Bank To Bank Information | BankToBankInformation |
LanguageCode | Language Code | LanguageCode |
InvoiceVendor | Invoice Vendor | InvoiceVendor |
InvoiceVendorName | Invoice Vendor Name | InvoiceVendorName |
InvoiceVendorEmailAddress | Invoice Vendor Email Address | InvoiceVendorEmailAddress |
PaidVendor | Paid Vendor | PaidVendor |
Invoice | Invoice Number | Invoice |
PaymentComment | Payment Comment | PaymentComment |
TransactionData1 | Transaction Data 1 | TransactionData1 |
TransactionData2 | Transaction Data 2 | TransactionData2 |
TransactionData3 | Transaction Data 3 | TransactionData3 |
TransactionData4 | Transaction Data 4 | TransactionData4 |
TotalPaymentAmount | Total Payment Amount | TotalPaymentAmount |
TotalDiscountAmount | Total Discount Amount | TotalDiscountAmount |
TotalWithholdingAmount | Total Withholding Amount | DerivedTotalWithholdingAmount |
TotalNetPaymentAmount | Total Net Payment Amount | Total NetPayment Amount |
CashManagementGroup | Cash Management Group | CashManagementGroup |
PaymentOutputFileHeader | Payment Output File Header | PaymentOutputFileHeader |
Account | Cash Management Account | CashManagementAccount |
FractionalRoutingNumber | Fractional Routing Number in Cash Payment Format | CashPaymentFormat.FractionalRoutingNumber |
RoutingNumber | Routing Number in Financial Institution Branch | RoutingNumber |
CheckNumber | Check Number or Transaction Number | TransactionNumber |
MICR line fields
XML Field | Description | FSM field |
AuxOnUsField | Auxillary On-Us Field (full length including character spacing) E13B-10 font style not included | AuxOnUsField |
TransitField | Transit Field or Routing Number (full length including character spacing) E13B-10 font style not included | TransitField |
AccountOrOnUsField | Account Or On-Us Field (full length including character spacing) E13B-10 font style not included | AccountOrOnUsField |
EmailFrom | Email From for Check | TransientEmailFrom |
Business class: PaymentOutputFileRemittance
List: PaymentFileRemittanceDetailListForIDMDoc
Repeating Section Xpath: /PayablesPayment/RemittanceDetails/RemittanceDetail
Note: This table is only used for Always Attached
remittance option or remittance lines with check.
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Remittance | Payment Output File Remittance key field | PaymentOutputFileRemittance |
Company | Payables Company | PayablesCompany |
CompanyName | Payables Company Name | PayablesCompanyName |
InvoiceVendor | Invoice Vendor | InvoiceVendor |
InvoiceVendorName | Invoice Vendor Name | InvoiceVendorName |
CheckNumber | Transaction Number | TransactionNumber |
TransactionNumber | Transaction Number | TransactionNumber |
BankClientIdentifier | Bank Client Identifier | BankClientIdentifier |
CashLedgerTransactionIdentifier | Cash Ledger Transation Identifier | CashLedgerTransactionIdentifier |
PaidVendor | Paid Vendor | PaidVendor |
Invoice | Invoice | Invoice |
InvoiceSuffix | Invoice Suffix | InvoiceSuffix |
InvoiceDate | Invoice Date | InvoiceDate |
NetPaymentAmount | Net Payment Amount | NetPaymentAmount |
PaymentAmount | Payment Amount | PaymentAmount |
DiscountAmount | Discount Amount | DiscountAmount |
WithholdingAmount | Withholding Amount | DerivedComputeWithholdingAmount |
InvoiceCurrency | Invoice Currency | InvoiceCurrency |
CashCodeCurrency | Cash Code Currency | DerivedCashCodeCurrency |
PurchaseOrder | Purchase Order | PurchaseOrder |
VoucherNumber | Voucher Number | VoucherNumber |
ProcessLevel | Process Level | ProcessLevel |
ReasonCode | Reason Code | ReasonCode |
ReasonCodeDescription | Reason Code Description | ReasonCodeDescription |
InvoiceDescription | Invoice Description | InvoiceDescription |
InvoiceComment | Invoice Comment | InvoiceComment |
TransactionData1 | Transaction Data1 | Transaction Data1 |
TransactionData2 | Transaction Data2 | Transaction Data2 |
TransactionData3 | Transaction Data3 | Transaction Data3 |
TransactionData4 | Transaction Data4 | Transaction Data4 |
InvoiceVendorEmailAddress | Invoice Vendor Email Address | InvoiceVendorEmailAddress |
Business class: PayablesInvoiceDistribution
List: PayablesInvoiceDistributionForIDMList
Parent Repeating Section: /PayablesPayment/RemittanceDetails/RemittanceDetail or /OverFlowOrSeparateRemittanceDetails/OverFlowOrSeparateRemittanceDetail
Repeating Section Xpath: DistributionLines/DistributionLine
XML field | Description | FSM field |
FinanceStructure | Distribution Finance Code Block | DerivedGLFinanceCodeBlock |
Currency | Invoice Currency | InvoiceCurrency |
Amount | Distribution Transaction Amount | GLTransactionAmount |
FinanceTransactionAmount | Distribution Transaction Amount (zero or blank when single distribution) | DerivedGLTransactionAmount |
Business class: PaymentOutputFileRemittance
List: PaymentFileRemittanceDetailListForIDMDoc
Repeating Section Xpath: /PayablesPayment/OverFlowOrSeparateRemittanceDetails/OverFlowOrSeparateRemittanceDetail
Note: This table is only used for Overflow
Document or Separate Remittance remittance
XML field | Description | FSM field |
Remittance | Payment Output File Remittance key field | PaymentOutputFileRemittance |
Company | Payables Company | Payables Company |
CompanyName | Payables Company Name | Payables Company Name |
InvoiceVendor | Invoice Vendor | Invoice Vendor |
InvoiceVendorName | Invoice Vendor Name | Invoice Vendor Name |
CheckNumber | Transaction Number | Transaction Number |
TransactionNumber | Transaction Number | Transaction Number |
BankClientIdentifier | Bank Client Identifier | Bank Client Identifier |
CashLedgerTransactionIdentifier | Cash Ledger Transaction Identifier | Cash Ledger Transaction Identifier |
PaidVendor | Paid Vendor | Paid Vendor |
Invoice | Invoice | Invoice |
InvoiceSuffix | Invoice Suffix | Invoice Suffix |
InvoiceDate | Invoice Date | Invoice Date |
NetPaymentAmount | Net Payment Amount | Net Payment Amount |
PaymentAmount | Payment Amount | Payment Amount |
DiscountAmount | Discount Amount | Discount Amount |
WithholdingAmount | Withholding Amount | DerivedComputeWithholdingAmount |
InvoiceCurrency | Invoice Currency | Invoice Currency |
CashCodeCurrency | Cash Code Currency | DerivedCashCodeCurrency |
PurchaseOrder | Purchase Order | Purchase Order |
VoucherNumber | Voucher Number | Voucher Number |
ProcessLevel | Process Level | Process Level |
ReasonCode | Reason Code | Reason Code |
ReasonCodeDescription | Reason Code Description | Reason Code Description |
InvoiceDescription | Invoice Description | Invoice Description |
InvoiceComment | Invoice Comment | Invoice Comment |
TransactionData1 | Transaction Data1 | Transaction Data1 |
TransactionData2 | Transaction Data2 | Transaction Data2 |
TransactionData3 | Transaction Data3 | Transaction Data3 |
TransactionData4 | Transaction Data4 | Transaction Data4 |
InvoiceVendorEmailAddress | Invoice Vendor Emai lAddress | InvoiceVendorEmailAddress |
RemittanceEmailFrom | Email From for Separate Remittance | PaymentOutputFileDetail.DerivedEmailFrom |