Uploading an updated contract redline document in FSM
You can upload a newer version of a contract redline
document to an existing contract record.
- Select an existing contract record that has a contract redline document.
- In the contract record page, click Update Redline Document.
- Specify this information:
- Title
- Optionally, specify the title. The default value is the title of the existing record. If this field is left blank, then the default value is the attachment’s file name.
- Description
- Optionally, provide a description. The default value is the description of the existing record. If this field is left blank, then the default value is the attachment’s file name.
- Attachment
- Select the updated contract redline document.Note: This is only available for Draft, Negotiation, Addendum and Amendment states.
- Click Submit. The updated document details are displayed on the Contract Redline tab.
To view the previous versions of the document, perform these steps:
- Click the Open Redline Document link. The document opens in the IDM application.
- Select the History tab.