Uploading an updated contract redline document in FSM

You can upload a newer version of a contract redline document to an existing contract record.
  1. Select an existing contract record that has a contract redline document.
  2. In the contract record page, click Update Redline Document.
  3. Specify this information:
    Optionally, specify the title. The default value is the title of the existing record. If this field is left blank, then the default value is the attachment’s file name.
    Optionally, provide a description. The default value is the description of the existing record. If this field is left blank, then the default value is the attachment’s file name.
    Select the updated contract redline document.
    Note: This is only available for Draft, Negotiation, Addendum and Amendment states.
  4. Click Submit. The updated document details are displayed on the Contract Redline tab.
  5. To view the previous versions of the document, perform these steps:
    1. Click the Open Redline Document link. The document opens in the IDM application.
    2. Select the History tab.