Creating call-in estimates

  1. Select Processing > Franchise Sales.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Select the customer number that is defined in Receivables.
    Select the customer ship to number that is defined in Billing.
    Select the contract number representing the business agreement and terms between the company and customer.
    Sales Date
    Select the cycle date for the current fiscal year.
    Sales Type
    Select Call in Estimate.
    Specify adjustment for the sales entry.
  4. On the Sales tab, specify this information:
    Closing Sales
    Specify the amount of sales. This field is a user-defined monetary amount. It is the sum of the opening register amount and subsequent sales amounts charged up to the closing of the cycle.
    Less Adjustments
    Less Sales Tax
    Specify the sales tax amount that is submitted by the customer. If this field is blank and the contract is defined for sales tax, then you must specify the sales tax amount before you can add the sales entry.
    Auto Fill Submitted
    If you select Yes, then the calculated charge amount is used in Submitted Amount. If you select No, then the Submitted Amount will be blank except for note and predefined special charges.
    Note:  All contract charges with a next cycle date that matches the sales entry cycle date are used on the Detail tab where the total due is calculated and displayed.
  5. Click the Detail tab and open the charge that is due that matches the sales date.
  6. Specify the Submitted Amount to override a calculated charge with a user-defined value.
  7. Click Save.