Creating templates for project funding source
- Select Project Setup.
- On the Project Funding Source Templates tab, click Create.
- Specify this information:
- Project Funding Source Template
- Specify the name for the template. You cannot change the name after you define it.
- Type
- Select the type of funding source to use for the template.
- Priority
- Select the funding priority order. Funding is processed in priority order. Funding sources can be added at any point in the contract. Priority order can change at any point in the contract and become the new priority when changed. Duplicate priority numbers are not allowed.
- Funding Group
- The value is added when a funding source is added to a contract. The federal grant and the associated match funding sources have the same funding group. When the generate invoices action is run, the first set of funding sources with identical funding group are processed, then the next funding group. Processing is based on priority order, percentage, funded amount, and funding group. The match funds must be next in priority to be processed and calculated correctly.
- Billing Group
- This field is completed later when a funding source is added to a contract using the template. Select a billing group. You can assign identical values to the funding sources that are billed together. When invoices generated or revenue is recognized, if you specified a billing group, then only the funding sources with that billing group are included.
- Percent
- Specify the percent that is covered by this funding source. If a project is funded by a single funding source, then specify 100.
- Funded Amount
- Specify the funded amount for this template.
- Revenue Structure Option
- Select whether the revenue structure is a full or partial
finance code block for this template.
- If the Type is Internal, then select None. If you select None, then GL Transaction Detail records are not created when the Journalize Invoice and Journalize Revenue actions are run.
- If front end split is enabled on the contract, then the Finance Dimension 1 or the Accounting Unit is required in the Partial Revenue Finance Structure field. The value in this field is used as the default on the fund for expense entries.
- Partial Revenue Finance Structure
- Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for this template. The value from the originating expense is the default for dimensions that are blank. The list is filtered on revenue account, but any account can be used.
- Full Revenue Finance Structure
- Specify the full revenue finance structure for the template. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used.
- Revenue Adjustment Structure Option
- Select whether the revenue adjustment structure is a full or partial finance code block for this template. If this field is blank, then the revenue finance structure is used for revenue adjustments.
- Partial Revenue Adjustment Finance Structure
- Specify the dimensions to override for revenue adjustment for this template. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts, but any account can be used.
- Full Revenue Adjustment Finance Structure
- Specify the full revenue adjustment finance structure for this template. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used.
- Jurisdiction Code
- Select the jurisdiction code if the project funding source template is External Grant or External Customer.
- Customer PO Number
- Specify the customer PO number if the project funding source template is External Grant or External Customer.
- Revenue Clearing Finance Structure
- Specify a structure if this template type is Internal Fund and the revenue method is Separate.
- Offset Finance Structure
- If this template type is Internal Fund and the revenue method is Combined, then specify the finance structure for the project funding source.
- Receivable Company
- Select the receivable company if the project funding source type is
Intercompany Billing.
The receivable company is the responsible company and is the From Accounting Entity for the intercompany document and intercompany billing transactions. The setup for receivable company must include the intercompany billing setup.
- Recharge Item
- Select the recharge item if the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing. The intercompany billing document inherits the transaction lines from the intercompany billing recharge item. The recharge item is used to define dimension defaults for the finance structure on the Receivable Revenue Account and Payables Expense Account.
- Payables Expense Finance Structure
- Select the dimensions to use for the finance structure when the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing. These dimensions are used with the finance structure for intercompany billing recharge item Payables Expense Account to generate the payables expense distribution. The payables finance code block begins with the finance structure for the recharge item. The blank dimensions are completed from the finance structure of the funding source.
- Billed Unearned Finance Structure
- Specify the structure if this template type is External Grant or External Customer and the revenue method is Separate. Specify the finance structure for transactions that are invoiced but revenue is not recognized.
- Earned Unbilled Finance Structure
- Specify the structure if this template type is External Grant or External Customer and the revenue method is Separate. Specify the finance structure for transactions that are not invoiced but the revenue is recognized.
- Pass Through Finance Structure
- Specify the structure if the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer and pass through billing is used. Specify the finance structure for transactions that passed to the customer or sponsor using the Pass Through override billing method. The list is filtered on balance sheet accounts but any account can be used.
- Advance Billing Finance Structure
- If advanced billing is used and the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer, then specify the structure. Specify the finance structure for new transactions that are created using the Create Advanced Billing action on the invoice lines. The list is filtered on balance sheet accounts but any account can be used.
- Override Front End Split Eligibility Group
- Select the business class group of expenditures for the funding source. The
expenditures can be included or excluded. Use this field to limit
the transactions that are eligible or ineligible for front end split
at the time that the transaction is created in subsystems.
If a transaction is not eligible for a funding source in a funding group, then the funding group is skipped. The expense transaction is split by the next eligible funding group or the general funding source. A budget error is displayed if a general funding source is not available.
- Eligibility Group Option
- Select whether to include or exclude the expense group for the front end split.
- Override Expense Group
- Select the business class group to include as eligible or ineligible expenditures for the funding source. Use this field to limit the transactions that are eligible for invoicing. This group cannot be used for front end split contracts.
- Expense Group Option
- Select whether to include or exclude the expense group.
- Allowance Percent
- If this template type is External
Grant or External
Customer, then specify an allowance percent. The
percent specified is used as the default when this template is
An allowance is an indirect administrative fee. The allowance is calculated on the invoice total and is added to the invoice when invoices are generated or when revenue is recognized. The allowance can be added as a discount or as a fee.
- Allowance Taxable
- Select the check box if the allowance is included when tax is calculated. If lines on the invoice are taxed independently, then the allowance is taxed independently. If lines are summarized to calculate tax, then the allowance is combined with all lines on the invoice to calculate tax.
- Allowance Finance Structure
- Specify the finance structure for the allowance.
- Retainage Percent
- If this template is for External
Grant or External
Customer, then specify a retainage percent if one is
required. If a percent is specified, then that percent is the
default when this template is used.
A retainage is a hold back percentage of the project invoice until the project contract is complete. The retainage is calculated on the invoice total and subtracted from the invoice when invoices are generated. Retainage does not affect revenue recognition. Revenue is recognized immediately for the full amount.
- Retainage Maximum
- Specify the maximum amount that can be retained.
- Retainage Expense Group
- Select the business class group to include as eligible or ineligible retainage expenses.
- Retainage Group Option
- Select whether to include or exclude the expense group.
- Retainage Finance Structure
- Specify the retainage finance structure.
- Click Save.