Salary cap schedules
Salary cap schedules are used to define the maximum salary that can be distributed to a posting project funded by a grant per year. Grant Accounting users must set up a salary cap schedule if their grant project is subject to a salary cap.. Only posting projects are associated with a salary cap schedule. Salary cap schedules are used in labor distribution.
When labor distribution is run, a calculation is performed to determine the salary amount that can be distributed to the project. The salary amount is based on these items:
- The salary cap amount
- The pay periods for the employee
- The salary percent that is assigned to the project for the employee
Any amount that is greater than the calculated amount for the employee for a period is posted. The amount is posted to the salary cap overage finance structure setup in the posting project. If there is no finance structure defined, the overage of the salary remains posted to the employee’s salary and wages home account.