Creating application views

  1. Sign in to Infor Ming.le® as an administrator and select Settings > Site Contents.
  2. Click Infor Application Views.
  3. Filter the application view list by the Logical ID Prefix for your Financials application.
  4. Click New Item.
  5. Specify this information:
    Specify Landmark BI Drillback.
    Logical ID Prefix
    Specify the logical ID prefix you filtered on for your Financials application.
    Application Version
    Specify 11.1 or 11. The version must match the version that is assigned to the other Infor Ming.le drills.
    View ID
    Specify LandmarkBIDrillback.

    This value is used in the application view definition and in the definition of the Infor BI Report. The View ID maps the Infor d/EPM Platform report to the Infor Ming.le Drillback View created.

    URL Template
    Specify {Hostname}:{Port}/{Context}/Requester/html/ Requester?LogicalId={LogicalId}&csk.LogicalId={LogicalId}&csk.developer=true &LandmarkBIDrillback=true&dimensions={ID2}
  6. Click Save.