Creating custom groups in Reconciliation Management

A custom group is a user-defined condition based on fields or attributes from a business class. You can use custom groups to select specific transactions for processing.
  1. Select Custom Groups.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Custom Group
    Specify a name for the custom group.
    Provide a description. If this field is blank, then the custom group name is used.
    Effective Date
    Specify the date when the custom group is effective.
    Business Class
    Select a business class from the list. For custom groups in Reconciliation Management, these are the valid values:
    • Employee: Use to create resources.
    • GeneralLedgerChartAccount: Use to create accounts.
    • ReconciliationAccount: Use to create and schedule period reconciliations, and mass update or mass delete reconciliation accounts.
    • TransactionReconDetail: Use to setup match rules.
    Specify or build a condition using Infor Pattern Language (IPL) syntax. The condition defines the selection criteria for the custom group.
    If you do not know IPL syntax, click Builder to access the Condition Builder tool.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To preview the records in the custom group, click Preview.
    Only the records in the business class are displayed in the preview list. For the custom groups in reconciliation match rules, the records must be loaded in the detail reconciliation queue.