Creating fringe burden codes

  1. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup.
  2. Click the Fringe Burden Codes tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Fringe Burden Code
    Specify a code or name for the fringe burden.
    Soecify a description for the fringe burden.
    Effective Date
    Specify the effective date of the fringe burden rate.
    Specify the fringe burden rate.
    Offset Finance Structure Option
    Optional. Select if the offset structure is entered as a full finance code block or a partial for the fringe burden code. If blank, the offset is posted to the fringe burden finance structure with no project. The fringe offset can also be overridden at the time of labor distribution.
    Partial Offset Account Finance Structure
    Specify the dimensions to override for the offset fringe burden code. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating fringe expense without the project.
    Full Offset Account Finance Structure
    Specify the finance code block to use for the offset fringe burden code.
  5. Click Save.