Creating Receivable companies part 2
These steps are a continuation of Creating Receivables companies.
On the Process tab, in the Rules
section, specify this information:
- Customer Delete Months
- Specify the number of months that must elapse after the last customer activity date before a customer is automatically deleted when Customer Purge is run.
- Verify Post Date
- Select this check box if the general ledger dates that are assigned to transactions are validated against the date range in Global Ledger.
- Hold Code
- Specify a hold code for the company that is used in Analyst Review Detail. Order processing systems can use this hold code to decide whether to process orders for a particular customer.
- Risk Code
- Specify the default value for the risk code for customers of this company. This field is user-defined and can be used for customer reporting.
- Due Date Change Allowed
- Select this check box if the due date in the receivable invoice details can be changed.
- History Update Periods
- Specify the number of period closings until the status of a
fully applied payment or transaction is updated to
This field is used in Transaction Status Update. For example, if the history period is 1, then a payment or transaction that is in a fully applied status for one period close is moved to a closed status when you run Transaction Status Update. Similarly, a payment or transaction with a closed status for one period close is moved to a historical status when you run Transaction Status Update.
- Currency Display
- Select whether transaction amounts are displayed in the base currency or in the transaction currency for select reports.
- Summarize Transaction Lines
- Select this check box if invoice transaction lines are summarized. If this check box is cleared, then invoice translation lines are displayed in detail.
- Allow Entry Of Rebates From Contracts
- Select this check box to specify contract rebate information for non-AR payments.
- National Account Trans Option
- Select whether national account transaction records can be
created and deleted on the National
Account page or with the National Account Trans Update mass update
If your company has national accounts with several open relationship transactions, we recommend that you select Transactions Updated With Mass Update Logic.
- Periods Per Year
- Select whether the periods per year are Twelve or Thirteen when customer transactions are stored and reported by period.
- Period Offset
- If Periods Per Year is Twelve, then you can specify a period offset value. The offset value is a signed or unsigned number. It is added to or subtracted from a transaction date to determine a period number in transactional reporting.
In the Cash Ledger Codes section, specify this information:
- Deposit Payment Code
- Select the default value to use for deposits to Cash.
- RTM Payment Code
- Select the value to use for Return To Maker (RTM) payments to Cash.
- Adjustment Payment Code
- Select the value to use for adjustments to Cash.
In the Last Numbers section, specify this information:
- RTM and Chargeback Batch
- Specify the last batch number. If this field is blank, then the batch number begins with 1.
- Specify the last Return To Maker (RTM) batch number. If this field is blank, then the batch number begins with 1.
- Chargeback
- Specify the last batch number for chargebacks. If this field is blank, then the batch number begins with 1.
- Reassign
- Specify the last reassignment number of the last reassigned open obligation. If this field is blank, then the transaction number begins with 1.
- Credit Chargeback Prefix
- Specify a prefix to use when creating a chargeback includes reversing applications records.
- Number
- Specify a credit chargeback number.
- Last Dunning Cycle ID
- This field value is incremented by 1 when the Dunning Letter Selection is run.
- Last Credit EFT Balancing Debit Memo Number
- Specify the credit debit number for the last fund transfer that was used for cash application when credit balance is processed.
In the Global section, specify this information:
- Use E Way Bill Number
- Select this check box to use the electronic way bill number on receivables invoices and billing invoices.
- Parallel Reference Format
- Specify the format for alternate invoice identification.
- Check Digit Type
- Select this check box to enable the check digit format for parallel reference.
- Assign Voucher Reference
- Select this check box to use the voucher reference numbering. When this check box is selected, more fields are available to define alternative invoice identification.
- Voucher Reference Reporting Basis
- Select the reporting basis that is identified for statutory reporting.
- Voucher Reference Format
- Specify the variable or variables to use as the voucher reference format.
- Foreign Trade And Payment Report
- Select this check box to process and create foreign trade and payment records. When this check box is selected, another field is available to specify a threshold dollar amount for transaction reporting.
- Report Threshold Amount
- Specify the threshold amount for the foreign trade and payment report.
- Claims And Liabilities Report
- Select this check box to include a claims and liabilities report. This report
contains the sum of all open payables and receivables invoices for
the selected company.
When this check box is selected, two more fields are available.
- Report Threshold Amount
- Specify the threshold amount for the claims and liabilities report.
- Output XML
- Select No XML. For German companies, select Germany.
On the Apply tab, specify this
- Application Review Required
- Select this check box if the applications audit program is required before applications are processed by the application close program.
- Past Due Discount Display
- Select this check box to show discount amounts that are past due during cash application.
- Discount Grace Days
- Specify the number of grace days that are added to the discount date so that automatic discounts are applied during cash application.
- Over Application of Payment
- Select this check box if you can over-apply a short payment to pay off an invoice and create a chargeback for the unpaid portion of the invoice.
- Automatic Credit Apply
- Select this check box if the automatic credit application occurs when an invoice or debit memo is cross-referenced to a credit memo.
- Third Party Payer
- Select this check box if third party payments are allowed. Third party payments are applied to open items regardless of customer relationship.
- Application Post Date
- Select whether the system date or the post date on the payment or credit memo is used as the general ledger date on application records.
- Open Balance Include Drafts
- Select this check box if bill of exchange item balances are included. If this check box is cleared, then bill of exchange items balances are excluded.
- Interface to Payables
- Select this check box to enable the interface between Receivables and Payables.
- Default Vendor Class
- If the Interface to Payables field is selected, then select a code that represents the subset of vendors. This field is valid if a vendor relationship is created for a customer.
- Detail Payables Interface
- If this check box is selected, then a payables open transaction is created with each opened receivables transaction. If this check box is cleared, then one open payables transaction is created.
- Prorate Gain Loss Amount To Distributions
- Select this check box to prorate the gain loss amount to the original distributions of a transaction.
- Tax Recovery on Discount
- Select this check box if a prorated amount of tax is recognized from cash application discounts on transactions that have tax-based distribution records.
- Apply Cash Across Receivable Companies
- Select this check box if transactions for all companies for the selected customer are available for online and automatic cash application.
- Allow Zero Payment Adjustments
- Select this check box if zero payment adjustments can be applied to an identical amount of debit and credit transactions.
- Prevent Write Off Before Transaction GL Date
- Select this check box if the write-off GL Date can only be greater than or equal to the invoice/payment GL Date.
- Allow Historical Application Reversal
- Select this check box to enable cash applications to be reversed where a payment or an invoice for the application is historical.
On the Accounts tab, specify the code,
description, and global ledger account for each account type.
When these fields are selected and the record is saved, a corresponding Receivable Global Ledger Code is created:
- Accounts Receivable Code
- Received Not Applied Code
- Prepayment Code
- Received Not Applied Code
- A received-not-applied account is a contra-asset account that is updated when payments are applied.
In the Accrual Global Ledger Interface Options section, specify this
- Detail Payments
- Select whether the interface to global ledger contains detail or summary information.
- Detail Finance Charges
- Select whether the interface to global ledger contains detail or summary information.
In the Detail Finance Structure section, to enable posting and reporting open
receivables and cash receipts by segment, specify this information:
- Allow Detailed Invoice Accrual Distributions
- Select this check box to enable posting open receivables by
segment. This option can be enabled independently of the others in
this section.Note:.
- Fund accounting cannot be used.
- The user-specified GL account for receivable accrual distributions are used for receivable invoices that originated from a project contract or when receivable invoices are manually entered.
- Allow Detailed Cash Distributions
- Select this check box to enable posting cash distributions
by segment. This option can be enabled independently of the others
in this section.Note:
- Fund Accounting cannot be used.
- One or more cash accounts can be specified on a receivables payment. These cash accounts are used to create the cash GL postings.
Verify in the Accrual Global Ledger Interface Options section, that Yes, Detail Accrual Interfacing is selected in the Detail Payments field.
- Allow Detailed RNA Distributions and Match Finance Structure For Applications
- This option can be enabled if both of the other options in
this section are selected. Select this check box to create received
not applied (RNA) distributions that inherit user-specified GL
account segments from the cash distributions.
If this check box is selected, select one or more structures.
- Finance Structure Segments For Application Matching
- The selected segments are used to derive the RNA account
from the cash account. For example, if the Project check box is selected,
the GL account on the RNA code and the project that is specified on
the cash account is included in the RNA distribution.
When this feature is enabled, accounts receivable payments can only be applied to invoices that have the same value for each of the selected segments. For example, if a project value for a receivable payment is 100, then the amount can only be applied to invoices that also have a project value of 100.
On the Finance Charge tab, specify
this information:
- Charge Type
- Select the type of finance charges.
- Rate Code
- Select the finance rate code that contains a monthly percentage rate to calculate finance charges.
- Grace Days
- Select the number of grace days to add to a transaction due date before finance charges are assessed.
- Disputes Financed
- Select this check box to access finance charges on invoice amounts that are disputed.
- Print Notice
- Select this check box to indicate whether to print finance charge documents.
- Charge Customer Minimum
- Select this check box if a minimum finance charge is assessed. If this field is selected, then a customer minimum amount is required.
- Cycle Code
- Specify a finance charge-type cycle code. This code is used as a customer selection parameter when finance charges are assessed.
- Interest Charge by Date
- Select whether finance charges are assessed for past due or paid late transactions by multiple finance charge rates over a period of time.
- Late Charge Rounding
- Select this check box if the resulting interest charge invoices are rounded to the nearest currency unit.
- Administrative Fee
- Select this check box to assess an additional fixed administrative fee. When a finance charge is assessed for the late payments, an additional fixed administrative fee can be charged.
- Calculation Method
- Select a calculation method.
- Customer Minimum
- If the Charge Customer Minimum check box is selected, then specify the minimum finance charge amount to assess. If the calculated finance charge for the customer is less than this value, then the minimum charge is assessed.
- Last Number
- Specify the number of the last finance charge notice created. If this field is blank, then the number begins with one.
- Prefix
- Optionally, provide a prefix number for the finance charge debit memo. If this field is blank, then FC is used.
On the Electronic Fund Transfer tab,
specify this information:
- Enable Electronic Funds Transfer
- Select this check box if electronic funds transfers are used.
- System Calendar
- Select a calendar for ETF processing.
- Due Days
- Optionally, specify the number of days that are used to calculate the ending due date when electronic fund transfers are processed.
- Type
- If you specify Due Days, then also select whether the number of days are actual days or bank days.
- Global Ledger Days
- Optionally, specify the number of global ledger days that are used to calculate the posting date for the cash deposit.
- Type
- If you specify Global Ledger Days, then also select whether the type of days is actual days or bank days.
- Deposit Days
- Optionally, specify the number of deposit days that are used to calculate the deposit date for the cash deposit.
- Type
- If you specify Deposit Days, then select whether they are actual days or bank days.
In the Group or Company Processing section, specify this information:
- Deposit Cash Code
- Select the code for drawing funds.
- Credit Cash Code
- Select the code for depositing funds.
- Deposit Payment Code
- Select the code for a payment batch that represents a net drawing of funds.
- Credit Payment Code
- Select the code for a payment batch that represents a net deposit of funds.
- EFT Company ID
- Specify the company that is used to identify the entity that receives and sends funds for ACH processing.
- Require Payment Cash Codes
- Select this check box if deposit and credit cash codes are required when EFT payments are created.
On the Bill Of Exchange tab, specify
this information:
Note: Bills of exchange (BOE) represents a payment contract that is similar to a letter of credit. The contract can be a draft that is issued against a bank account until the maturity date. The contract can also be for cashing early at a discounted rate. BOEs are frequently used in France and Spain. BOEs can be used in Receivables, where BOE is enabled on the Customer Group, and in Payables.
- Acceptance Accounting Option
- Select whether a global ledger update is required when BOE receivables is accepted.
- Remittance Number
- Specify the last bill of exchange remittance number that is assigned. If this field is blank, then the number begins with 1.
- BOE Number
- Select whether automatic numbering or manual numbering is used for internally created bills of exchange.
- Last BOE Number
- If the BOE Number field is Automatic Numbering, then specify the last bill of exchange number that is assigned.
- Check Bank Risk
- Select this check box if bank risk processing is performed by the company when a discounted remittance is discounted.
- Discounted Remit Payment Code
- Specify the payment code that is used in the Cash solution when a discounted remittance is cashed.
- Remittance Control
- Select this check box if remittance control is used and bills of exchange are processed with a single maturity date.
In the General Ledger Account Codes section, specify this information:
- Acceptance Code
- If the Acceptance Accounting Option is required at acceptance, then specify a bill of exchange acceptance code and description.
- Financial Revenue Code
- Specify the code and description of a general ledger account that is used for bill of exchange financial revenue accounting.
- Financial Expense Code
- Specify a code and description of a general ledger account that is used for bill of exchange financial expense accounting.
- Dishonored Code
- Specify a dishonored code and description for a general ledger account that is used for dishonored bill of exchange accounting.
On the Project tab, specify this information:
The Project tab is available if you select the Project Invoicing check box in the Enterprise Group.
- Credit Memo Prefix
- Specify the prefix that is attached to the credit memo number. The prefix is exclusive to projects.
- Invoice Prefix
- Specify the prefix that is attached to the invoice number. The prefix is exclusive to projects.
- Credit Reason Code
- Select the reason code that is used when creating a project credit memo.
- Click Save.