Document management interface rules
Document management interface rules are used to map values that are required for processing invoices.
Custom groups are used to specify values for Company, Currency, and Terms Code. Business classes are created to process these actions. Any field available on the DocumentInterfaceInvoice business class can be used in the interface rule definition.
- $
- US$
- $US
- US $
- $USD
- $ USD
Vendor mapping
Vendor Group is used to define which fields are specified when determining a valid vendor. If any of the specified fields are selected, the External ID field is matched with the selected fields. If there is no valid vendor, then these default rules are used for mapping:
- ServiceContract.Vendor
- PurchaseOrder.Vendor
- External ID fields specified in VendorGroup:
- EDI Number
- Legacy Vendor
- Global Location Number
- Reference1
- Reference2
- Customer
- Tax ID
- VAT Registration Number
- Vendor Account
- Vendor Name
- Vendor Search Name
- Remit To Name
- Remit To Address
For example, you can specify the External ID as Tax ID and the value is 22-33333333. The import process uses this information to get the Vendor Number, which is required to create the invoice in Payables.